[TRANS] 121011 Lay's Website Replies & Messages on EXO-M's Official Fanboard

[FAN] Zhang Yixing you have to look, Changsha fans love you, part 2
The weather in Changsha is currently really good, 18~26 degrees, level 3~4 of wind.
In class I’m currently studying a listening course, the teacher is showing Saw, we’ve watched it continuously for a lot of weeks, we’ve almost finished watching 4, I can’t take it, I don’t even dare to watch, once he plays the movie, I just watch your programs, hahaha.
A lot people watch it eagerly, it really is disgusting.
By the river I often see teams of fixed gear fleets in weekend night scenes in Changsha.
I’m  not a member, but I can also fix gear, the motorbike party don’t have breaks
The Autumn Tiger is very powerful (T/N: Autumn Tiger, meaning the heat of the Autumn), early and late in the day it’s deadly cold, in the afternoon it’s so hot you’re sweating.
I’ve watched Chainsaw sections intermittently right, the most commonly said phrases summed up, are “I’ll fucking kill you” said by men facing death and that old man saying “I want to play a game”. and that stupid mask.
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
Haha, I love Changsha
I like
[FAN] I miss EXO-M
I miss you
I want to see you
[LAY] Re: I miss EXO-M
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ See you soon
[FAN] xing xing lay
lay tired-classmate.
I think of you ten thousand times every day, hoping you’re well
Is your waist-injury better now.
Can you send a message letting your vast amount of Xing fans know how your waist-injury is!!
[LAY] Hello I am lay
Very good, there’s no need to worry~3q
[FAN] Lay-ya
I miss you… Are you doing good?
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
I’m doing good~
Be careful not to catch a cold^^
[FAN] Woah woah woah woah!!! It’s Lay!!!
Woah woah woah woah woah hi Lay~~
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
[FAN] Lay oppa you’re busy to prepare the comeback right?
Take good care of your healthㅠㅠ Don’t be sick
I’ll always be supporting you, I’ll look forward to a good song and a great performance
Lay miss you miss you~~ (T/N: Miss you miss you refers to the song Lay wrote predebut Xiang Ni Xiang Ni)
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
We’re doing our best to get ready, look forward to it ~^^
[FAN] LAY…We’re already in autumn!
I miss you…ㅠㅠ I’ll be able to see you soon right??
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
You’re going to wait of course^^
The weather is cold be careful not to catch a cold^^
[FAN] Lay oppaㅠㅠㅠㅠ Just check my post onceㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Thank you so much for debuting with EXO-M
I hope you will always be healthy and happyㅠㅜㅜ♥
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
Thank you stay healthy^^~~~
[FAN] LAY I love you, birthday congratulations
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
[FAN] to.lay
Lay oppa is reading this right ?
Tomorrow is my birthday so wish me a happy birthday please ㅠㅠ
The gift I want the most is oppa’s reply ㅎㅎ
I’m always supporting you I love you ㅎㅎ
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay^^
Happy birthday, I’m ㅎㅎ LAY ^^ I’m healthy~
[FAN] You’re not sick right??????
The fans are always behind youㅠㅠㅠ Health is the best, be also careful to not catch a cold
Always smile even it’s hard because oppa smiling is pretty
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay^^

[FAN] Lay did you eat dinner???
Don’t skip any meals and be careful to not catch a cold!!!
Aren’t you tired from practicing??
I miss youㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay^^
Yes I ate [dinner]~
I ate kimchi stew ^^
[FAN] Lay oppa…are you still alive, if you are reply..ㅠ
Are you? Are you? Tell me you are… It feels like the posts are exploding haha
When oppa will comeback, don’t overwork yourself and I hope I will see you on stage with an even greater image haha
Are you healthy? Or not? I hope you are!!
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay^^
Yes I’m alive
I’m always by your side, everyone ★
[FAN] Lay oppa next week I have an examㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Give me a word of encouragement pleaseㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay^^
Take well your exam~
[FAN] Please listen to meㅠㅠㅠ I’m begging you on my kneesㅠㅠㅠ
Oppa are you doing well?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I like oppa the mostㅠㅠㅠ When are you doing your comeback?
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
[LAY] Hello.It’s Lay ^^
Hello. It’s Lay ^^
Everyone, me and Kris hyung have go get ready to go to L.A tomorrow ~
It was a short time but I enjoyed meeting all of you~
Thank you~ Everyone is always living in my heart^^★
(Source: exo-m’s official fanboard / Trans by: emilie @ exok-trans & xuan @ exom-trans)
Shared by Luhan @ EXOdicted.blogspot.com

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