
Our rules are simple:
1. DO NOT HOTLINK! Always take out with full credits. Include our author who shared it and, of course,
2. PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD OUR VIDEO/PHOTOS! (especially our videos on  Youtube)

3. Please look into rule number 1, it's really important. Please appreciate our hard work in updating about EXO everyday, and do not hotlink our content.

FANSITE RULES (Chinese/Korean/Japanese/Others)

불펌하지마세요/무단배포금지 = Do not take out without crediting.
출처밝히고가세요 (or anything with 출처) = CREDIT. Credit the fansite. List it somewhere in your post. Put their fansite as a source. Do something – CREDIT THEM.
2차가공금지 = Do not edit.
Anything with 금지 = no.
이동은 자유 = Take out freely to anywhere.
재업로딩 금지 = Re-uploading is prohibited.
여기에서만 보세요 (or anything similar to this) = Just look at it here.
Easy right? 

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