Donate to EXOdicted

What's our plans to hire donations?

Future projects, Forum's needed, Ads remove, etc!

The timeline of the projects:
  • Bdays of September to January (Chen, Lay, Chanyeol, D.O, Kai) + This includes the Holiday Season
  • Bdays of March to May (Xiumin, Sehun , Baekhyun, Suho) + This includes EXO's Anniversary.
We've plan to collaborate with Korean/Chinese fansites to send the gifts from International Fans to the individual members or the whole members.
EXODICTED BANNER, our goods and merch. The free goods and our exclusive merch.
  • Other events (i.e: KCON, some festival)
EXODICTED BANNER, our goods and merch. The free goods and our exclusive merch.
  • EXO's concerts
EXODICTED BANNER, our goods and merch. The free goods and our exclusive merch.
​I truly believe this will benefit everyone from our staff to our project managers. This allows us to strategize, organize, and effectively execute our projects in both time & budget. Arranging our projects in this manner would allow us to have a bigger budget for one thing as we would only be doing one massive donation collection per project. Planning like this will also let us plan these massive projects with enough time, where we don't have to rush things, which can be super pricey! As well as finding a reliable source to deliver these projects. We’re SOOOOO in rush and we get such a small donation for our projects. Lesson learned. Our donation box is always open for everyone. So yes, every cents is appreciated. 

But before that, make sure to check our charity program for EXO called EXD-LOVE!

How to donate?

1. Paypal

Send it to PayPal.Me/EXOdicted

After finish donation, please fill the form below:
Email used for paypal:
Donation amount: {USD}
Donation for:{Future projects, main site, and forum's needed - you need to be specific}
Date of donated:

Western Union & Concealed Cash
For Western Union and Concealed Cash, please contact one of our staff on @EXDLIFE through DM.

Concealed Cash
  1. Ask her address BEFORE. Then once the donation is IN the mail (as in you've sent it) please fill the form and post it.
  1. Somewhere in the envelope put that it's for EXOdicted but DO NOT put that it's a donation!
  1. Be sure to wrap your donation in a sheet(s) of paper so that it isn't obvious that it's cash in the envelope.
  1. PLEASE include your USERNAME in the sheet of paper
  1. Once a donation is received you will either receive an email or your member status will change to DONOR.
Western Union
  1. Open and choose your country
  1. Select 'How to send Money' and see the step-by-step on how to send the money
  1. After sending your money, fill the form and your username will be changed after we received the money
After finish donation, please fill the form below:

Donation amount: {USD} 
Donation for: {Future projects, main site and forum's needed - you need to be specific} 
Date of donated:


This is the most important donation actually, because through this donation, we'll erase the ads, etc!
To donate you can using Allopass & Paypal (If you have both of those account, it's very easy to donate)No need to guide, cause there'll be the guidelines once you open the page.Click HERE to open or just click 'Contribution' on the footer links.After donating, please fill the form below:

Email used for paypal/Allopass: 
Donation amount: {USD} 
Donation for: {Future projects, main site and forum's needed - you need to be specific} 
Date of donated:

The benefits of donating:
  1. Colored name. From pale grey to bold green.
  2. You may have your username/log-in name changed twice per year. Any requirements are overlooked.
  3. You are automatically entered to any of our forum activities such as giveaways, events, or projects.
  4. If you donate 50 dollars or more for any current or future forum/main site project, activity or just general donation you will be able to view, use and download from our sub-forums that require 20+ active posts. You should be a Super Donor at this point!
So, everyone we're looking forward to your donations!

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