[FAN-ACCOUNT] Meeting with Lu Han & Yi Xing - From 120211

It was February 11, 2012. My friend and I went to SM Entertainment. We did not know where it was! And firstly we went in the wrong direction. =P But we asked passers-by where we should go, and it turned out that we have to go in the opposite direction! and yet we were told to go long ...
And here we go, go and go ... It was a long walk. And at one point we thought - hell, probably we got lost again! And then we have seen two guys on the horizon. One guy was writing something for a girl on a piece of paper, and the other waited. The writing guy was wearing a black hoody and sunglasses. The second was very cute. We went right up to him to ask for a direction to the SME. As we approach to him, his narrow eyes became bigger and bigger! XD He really looked frightened and confused! And we just came up and asked: "Excuse me, do you know where SM Entertainment is?" He asked hesitantly, "SM Entertainment?" And we nodded in unison to him. Then he said something like: "Zis..... Zis ...." and pointed with his hand forward and to the right. Honestly, at first I thought he spoke Korean! But Gelya (my friend) heard: "This ... This ..." ! O____o Allegedly we go first forward then to the right…. Ooooook. We told him thanks and went to the indication of direction. The guy bowed three times in farewell. XD He looked dumbfounded. X) When we turned around, his friend in black ran up to him and began to question him.
And in the meantime the boys followed us! We went slowly and they went forward. We went behind them)
-No doubt they are trainees! Either, you know, he's like one of the EXO. – Gelya said. And I understood that this person looked really familiar. And also... the rich clothing and hairstyles stacked ...
I said:
-Let's take a picture with them!
-I am ashamed! – Gelya answered.
-Me, too! - I laughed. – Let’s pull him by the hood and ask for a photo with him! Oh my God! THIS is the hooooooood! *O*
Yes, the hood was gorgeous. X)
So we decided not to do this. It was embarrassing. =___=
And here was the building s.m.entertainment. Both boys went there. And the guy in black turned, looked at us - we did not go there, and then he came in. We saw how they worshiped the guard at the entrance, then the same guy in black turned, and walked past the entrance, looking at us.
And the door closed. Before I could take a picture!...
Some fans approached. We approached them and asked who they were waiting for. They answered: exo.
Gelya and I were hysterical, we laughed like abnormal, and then ran away, still laughing! That's the same damn! To ask the Idols road to their own agency! XD In the metro Gelya remembered the name of the guy who we asked the road ... Lu Han. And the second was Yixing! We looked at the pictures in the same evening! That's how we got acquainted with the exo.
(Credit: AlmightyCrow@cxo)

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