[ARTICLE] 130929 Sasaeng Fans causes troubles on Baekhyun's Brother wedding!

Popular idol group, EXO’s member, Baekhyun attended his brother’s wedding, but after hoard of fans started to come in, causing trouble. On the 29th, on one online community, a post from the 28th, there was a picture of baekhyun and his fellow members attending the brother’s wedding. A wedding that’s supposed receive congratulatory messages instead brought up a controversy. what would be that reason?

It’s the hardcore fans that came in, causing the atmosphere to become indistinct.
On this day there is another picture of a women standing on a chair, with her shoes off, filming a video.

TRANS OF PHOTO: I am an acquaintance who attended EXO’s baekhyun’s hyung’s wedding. The beginning of the wedding was quite calm, but as the exo members started to come in it started to become a mess. The people that weren’t seen in the beginning of the wedding were seen. EXO’s 3 members who were singing a congratulatory song, they started to go to the front and started to take pictures, climb on top of chairs, and film. After the congratulatory song, the main people were cutting the cake, but the members were in the back. When the main people were talking, the fans kept taking pictures, asking for signs. The guests were blocked from going, making them become noisy. When they were taking a family picture including baekhyun, they all came together taking pictures. it seemed like it was an interview. Later on, other friends couldn’t take pictures. In other words, sasaengs. Members were saying “don’t do this right now. we’ll do it later”, but they didn’t listen.  Along with my boyfriend and other people who went as guests, they all got upset at this situation. The main’s faces started to stiffen, but they didn’t seem to care nor notice. Those who got invited were tired because of those who weren’t even guests. even so, people who took pictures included those who were guests. they’re spreading all over the internet. i don’t think this is right. RAGE.
The neitizen  who released the photo called himself “EXO baekhyun’s hyung’s acquaintance” said that fans came up to the front to take pictures and videos of the 3 members singing a song and how at the back, they kept asking for pictures and signs. Because of the fans the wedding atmosphere started to become indistinct.
Forward, because of the “sasaeng fans”,  there were numerous troubles. These members say that they wouldn’t accept the their actions.
But because of the excessive love towards their favorite celebrities, it’s causing harm towards others.
The comments of the netizens were “There’s no answer to this. The wedding seems like a airport.” “The wedding that’s supposed to have the bride and the groom shine and the main became the bridesmaid/groomsmen (meaning they became unimportant). “Wow, they really don’t have the idea. How bad would the bride have felt” On the other hand it has become an rising issue within fans.
(Original Article: news1 - Via / Trans by: byun100hyun)
Shared by Luhan @ EXOdicted.net

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