Credits to the original owners for each individual photo (collage made by me ^^)

Hey guys! Like I said I am back again this week for the second time~ did you guys enjoy my review on Monday on EXO’s signatures? Maybe you did maybe you didn’t. Let’s get started guise! This week I will be reviewing EXO’s cellphone jack charm.

So there are various designs, one being each member’s symbols and others just say ‘EXO’ as seen in the collage provided above. Time to share my experiences, so I had one that had the word EXO and had their main symbol on it. The picture is not in the collage but I will show provide one later down below. Anyways I had one about 3 months ago that I attached to my iPod headphone’s hole and the very next day when I was in the changing rooms I accidently dropped my iPod (The screen wasn’t cracked or anything) but the charm had broken in half. It’s like every exo item I own always ending getting damaged within a month T_T. What i thought was ironic was that the very same day my boyfriend slipped in the guys change room because he had tried to punch the wall because he was a bit angry at his teacher during physical education and ending up scraping himself. Weird isn't it? 

My favourite design would have to be the member’s symbol (individual) I am currently debating where to get another one but since I am really clumsy It might just end up getting broken again sadly. If I were to get another one I would prefer to get the red and white one which material is made from rubber so if I drop it, I can guarantee it will not get snapped in half like previously.

The colour combination is black and white and refer to the photo there is also red and white. I actually like both colour combinations because the red and white looks good in this occasion. And the black strap that’s attached to it, I think I would like it better if a silver ball chain was attached to it so I guess adjust it easier but that’s simply my opinion.

Here is another design:

Credits to kpopcool for the original photo! (edited by me ^^)
So this one was the one I was talking about that broke in half when I dropped my iPod. If you happen to buy this be extra careful or else it will not last long and it will not be able to glued back together with superglue, trust me I already tried. –sighs-

I will also posting another fashion review (this time an actual exo clothing) tomorrow so look out for that! (:

Tip: I mentioned so many times but do NOT drop it!

Rate: 3/5.

Ask me questions here: http://ask.fm/aya_zhang

If you would like to know where to buy this comment below your country and I can help you J And yes I know this review was short because I really didn’t have much to say but I promise tomorrow’s fashion clothing review will be longer! 

Dont forget to comment, if you would like to share any of your past experiences please dont hesitate to comment them down below! ^^

Also if you guys have a LINE account then feel free to add me and talk to me there! My username is shinyeomin. (with the dot at the end) and if you guys have skype then also feel free to comment your username below and i will add you personally (:

Bye for now and we will meet tomorrow again.

P.S. If you guys have time please check out the projects that Ven ssi has planned! (:

Aya ~

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