[TRANS] 160920 Lay on Planters Broadcast: 'I will release an album in October!'

Yixing: the first time i watched Titantic, i watched it with my parents. but... i fell asleep watching it
MC: u are so busy, how do u find time to learn things?
Yixing: there will always be time, its only whether you want to squeeze out the time

yixing: if i eat the "U" and you eat the "I", then whats left between us is ❤  love
Yixing: i do music while filming too. when i was filming the mystic nine, whenever i was done memorizing my lines i would return to my music
Yixing: i went to a water park in germany and i saw someone swimming butterfly stroke. it looked rly handsome so i decided that i must learn it. so after that, whichever hotel i went to, i just started practicing the butterfly stroke. at that point of time, i didnt rly know how to swim that well but i just went straight into learning the butterfly stroke
Q: what is your bday wish? 
Yixing: i hope that u guys (fans) will be happy. so i prepared a small surprise for u guys~ 
Yixing: thank you mother, thank you for the encouragement u have given me on this journey. i will work hard, work hard & work harder~ 
Q: where did the inspiration for your new album come from? 
Yixing: my life. u guys can listen to many of my life stories in there~ 
Yixing: when i have no inspiration, i will sit in front of my computer and scratch my head... scratch my head..... keep scratching my head..
Yixing: i dont rly have any inspiration in the morning. im hungry in the afternoon... my inspiration usually comes at 3.30am in the morning
Yixing: the wall of the place where i write my songs is brown in colour. the floor is also brown 
MC: its the colour of the peanut~ 
Yixing: yes~
MC: u will get inspiration from eating peanuts 
Yixing: not really, there are some conditions too~
MC: what conditions? 
Yixing: my dear xingmis must think of me~~
 (Credit: lyuanz, namja1to4)
Shared and Compiled by Fika @ EXOdicted.net

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