[FAN-ACCOUNT] SM Birthday Surprise For Tao and Lu Han - From 120502

That Tao Cried and f(x) Amber attended the Birthday event and When EXO-K entered the room M was playing with snow foam and they spray it into K's member's faces.
Every EXO-K member took turns to give Tao and Lu Han a hug. Sehun kissed Tao [cr: ceyenne]
D.O. lighted the candles, Amber was holding the cake. Because the fire was too big, Lu Han was asked to make it smaller but it became even bigger so ChanYeol pulled out the candles. Fire sparks flew so D.O. used the snow spray he was holding to spray at it and it caught fire. Members were blowing at it and lastly they wanted to chase D.O. out.
When K made their appearance Tao cried, he kept saying it was the most memorablebirthday spent ever.
All of them took turns to say a birthday message to Tao, and Lu Han.
Tao said he and Baek Hyun's horoscope was steak.Kris was going to talk, When he wasn't even start to talk, fans applauded already. Kris asked why everyone was clapping because it isn't his birthday.
Everyone didn't understand what he meant when he said steak so Baek Hyun translated it properly Kai asked Tao why he didn't mention him when he was in China, because their relationship was good
Baek Hyun and ChanYeol was playing really crazily with snow spray. Tao was asked of his ideal type, what he thinks of korean girls and age gaps but Tao said he has never dated so he isn't sure.
Lu Han cut his hair.Baek Hyun has caught a cold too.When asked who looked the most mature Tao said himself that he is really cute but also the one who is most like an adult. Su Ho asked Tao "You cried because of me right" Tao didn't answer so Su Ho said he wanted to leave that instant. Baek Hyun asked Tao if it was because he missed him that he cried but Tao said he missed everyone. When Lu Han hugged ChanYeol, he lifted him up.
Tao was asked who in K did he missed most when in China, he said he missed all.
So they changed the question, who did you want to have a meal with the most? Tao answered Sehun. They sprayed so much snow spray on Tao that he endedup looking like a snowman.Tao sprayed a lot of snow spray at Suho when he was speaking so Suho's situation then was really embarrassing.Members sprayed at each other but after that they helped each other clean up. Members confiscated D.O.'s snow spray after that accident with fire. ChanYeol shouted "hunhan" and Su Ho burst out into laughter at a corner. 
Tao couldn't speak well, but he tried his best to express himself. This is a side we would never see of him in interviews, pure. Tao said usually his birthday would be spent with 2/3 people but this time it was the with whole group so it's special to him. Tao said he cherish all the members a lot. They danced "MAMA", Xiu Min looked like one of the staff controlling them, he looked like a bad guy.From the moment the music started to the end, Lay danced really well and sexily. They sang "MAMA" live.Xiu Min said because he shares a room with Tao so he looks at Tao a lot and he is envious of Tao's butt.
Chen thinks that Tao's thighs are the best. Baek Hyun said himself that he looks like Lu Han. Tao learned Korean by watching My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox by Lee Seung Gi and Shin Min Ah. When members were preparing, Kai stood away. During MAMA amber told Kai that she could do his part so Kai danced with her. Kai's eyes met with a fan and he seemed to greet her using eyecontact but at the same time pretended like he did not care. At the end Kai said he was going to teleport away and he did a little gesture move. Kai asked Tao when he want to be in a relationship, Tao said he don't know and Kai said he will date when he's 28
(there is rumor that Se Hun Kissed Lu Han but.... Think what U wanna Think..)
[cr: 洪灿洁少女心][cr: 진유. 青都没了只剩春] [cr: 海天月夜]
[cr: 李孛蓓三杯倒T-T][cr: gall][via XIUMINseokA]

(Trans by: heecvhul @ twitter)
Shared by D.Olips @ EXOdicted.blogspot.com

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