[FAN-ACCOUNT] SM Birthday Surprise For Tao and Lu Han (Part 2) - From 120502

The standing positions are : Kris > Lay > Luhan > Tao > Xiumin > Chen.
From the beginning when they entered the venue, Tao was already wearing something cute on his head. All the fans were saying how cute he is… how… like this. Its bear ears, the kind that you buy are amusement parks, like balloons? They used korean to introduce themselves.
Leader just started to speak when the fans started to give really warm applause. Kris said that is isn’t his birthday why do they clap so hard for him. Really unexpected and cute.
The fans were really crazy over Lay’s perfect korean pronunciation.
Tao was a little hesitant(i guess he was shy) in his introductions, really cute.
After intro, Xiumin said something to the likes of “ok we are going to have birthday celebrations now, bring out the cake~”
And as we know of SM’s efficiency, the cake didn’t come immediately. Members and fans were all waiting for the cake, eventually, Kris said “There is no cake k?” in korean. Really cute.
After that the K members brought in the cake, the fans went crazy. When Tao saw the cake he started to cry… wuwuwuwu the fans also started to tear up… don’t cry~
The fans sang Happy Birthday to Tao really loudly, after that the K members each said something to Tao.
Starting from Suho, I can’t really remember what exactly but the gestures and tone was really warm, its like how you speak to a little brother. The majestic-ness of K leader kk…..the fans were all so tickled, some said that its really mushy.
When the K members were around, Amber appeared too. I can’t remember when Amber appeared. Usually when its boys’ events, when a girl appears, the fans would not like it, but when Amber appeared it was crazy kkkk
The atmosphere is good, Amber even said things like isn’t she like the EXO members? kkk … If other people were to say that it would seem fake but because Amber herself is dressed like a boy so she seems believable.
The funny point is when Amber said that when training, there were members she was close to but when EXO debuted it became “How are you Sunbae!” and they even bowed 90degrees… so she wasn’t used to it. She especially called out Suho, who respectfully nodded his head.
After telling several stories, Amber went off.
Anyway, Other than Tao’s cake, there was another small one, it seems like it was brought by Amber. That is Luhan’s cake! So Luhan and Tao stood side by side, made wishes and blew out the candles together!!
Of course they didn’t say out their wishes, they just closed their eyes and wished silently. The look when they both closed their eyes side by side really drove everyone mad!!!
Luhan just closed his eyes for a while then opened them, but Tao kept his eyes closed for some time.
After blowing out the candles, one went off normally btu it seems like the candles on Luhan’s cake wouldn’t go off.
So the members all blew at the candles together kkk the problem is that the candles relight everytime they blew it out.
After blowing out the candles and popping the streamers, t the EXO members started to fool around with the spray-can snow,
Chanyeol directly sprayed a mountain on Tao’s shoulder… After playing with Tao, he started on Luhan… especially Tao, he totally became a snowman.
Of course Tao wouldn’t take it lying down, he too sprayed the other members, some of the members even sprayed snow at the front row fans but the fans shook their heads rejecting kk.
After that Chen said “It seems like they don’t really like it”ah.. you have to hear it yourself and laugh… because it was only Kim Jongdae said that, that every one laughed.
Anyway, Kim Jongdae’s speech is really good, he said many interesting things
The candles on the cake kept continuing to burn, so D.O (inorder to put it out?) he took the spray snow and sprayed on it…..( WTF U CRAZY!!!)
The front row fans were all shocked! THAT IS FLAMMABLE!!! But D.O doesn’t seem to have heard… so at that moment it became like a flame thrower… everyone was shocked.
Jongdae snatched away D.O’s spray can and threw it aside… manager Jongdae’s seriousness. But the look on jongdae’s face after he snatched it and hid it behind him …
Anyway the K members each said something to Luhan too. The K members said that when it was Luhan’s birthday they already sent a video message, said that they have already said what they wanted to say then already…. they kept telling the fans that it was a really long message.
The fans asked them to show them the message … but the kids said “no way”~
Baekhyun said “Luhan Hyung looks like me right?”
But the fans disagreed.
Then the K members went off.
Suho said “today it is EXO-M’s day so we should just….” the fans didn’t want them to go.
Suho said not to be sad and that they are ultimately still a 12 member group. So the fans said that since they are 12, they shouldn’t go.
Eventually they hugged and left.
When they were leaving D.O hung around… so the fans asked “why aren’t you going?!” so D.O gave a 90degree bow before leaving.
When M was left, they brought in a board. There were about 30 post-its on it.
Kris said that it is Q&A time, Xiumin said its Tao’s Q&A time.
Everytime an M member picks a question, Tao would snatched it away and read it out in Korean.
Tao was really really cute here.
Lay used mandarin to explain.
I actually thought that the translator would be Luhan but surprisingly Luhan wasn’t that active today. Lay’s korean is better than expected.
Tao is pretty ok at saying short korean lines and got better as it progressed and tried really hard to use korean to answer. When it came to a point when he couldn’t pronounce he asked “can I use mandarin?” then after that used mandarin to reply.
The first question was picked by Kris.
When the members were picking the questions the fans kept shouting “pick the long one! the longest one! interesting ones!” to give him stress
Tao didn’t know what the question meant, Kris and Lay explained it to him “How many wushu sticks do you have?How do you maintain them?”
Tao said that he has 5 in korean. But he only carries them around when practicing usually he would take them around.
When asked how does he maintain them, he said that its in the office but they have all been smashed(???)
A fan shouted “I’d buy them for you!”
Jongdae said “Its a sponsor! You said you’d sponsor right?” I am not too sure about this but it should be like this.
(Source: Daum Cafe / Trans Kr - Chi: 海天月夜 - Chi - Eng Trans: FayeriEXO, exo2moons)
Shared by D.Olips @ EXOdicted.blogspot.com

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