[FAN-ACCOUNT] 130412 EXO at Sehun's Surprise Party

EXO used EXO DC Gallery’s cake for the party.
Many fans said that those who didn't go for the party today can go "commit suicide" because it was totally DAEBAK
The members that attended the party is Sehun, Suho, Kai, Baekhyun, Kris, Tao and Luhan.
Jongin and Sehun danced "hoot"
Luhan and Suho danced Sistar's "Alone"
Suho kept saying "it's just.... it's just....." at today's party
Baekhyun was the MC.
Sehun did a sexy dance
sehun and kai did gee too sazkjdfnaskjer
Today Luhan, Kris, Baekhyun, Suho, Kai, Tao and Sehun came~ Sehun was doing ‘Gwiyomi’ but he got too shy so he didn’t get to finish it and just stopped doing it. But he did a sexy dance afterwards.
Not only did Sehun do gwiyomi, he did an american-ish dance with Suho too (the one Suho did at Xiumin's bday)
Kai accidentally dropped his phone on the floor but to make it less awkward, he picked his phone and said "ah it's 7:50 now.
Suho's variety skills was great. He was high-ing by himself and kept saying "Isn't EXO not making a comeback?"
Suho sang the digits song. The one that goes "1.. 2... 3.."
Kai wore a crown when he first entered but as he greet fans, it dropped so he placed it on the chair instead… In the end when he was about to sit on it, Chen removed it (from the chair) for hi.
They were playing age reversal game (where the maknae gets to speak banmal to the seniors) and sehun was totally addicted to it
Luhan pretended like he was going to stab Kai, he looked really man. With one hand holding his right shoulder, he “stabbed” Kai with the other. Kai started touching Luhan’s hair while Luhan rubbed Kai’s ribs and waist area Luhan didn't know how to dance 'Alone' so they asked Suho to demonstrate the dance for them.
Apparently 17 people didn't turn up for Sehun's birthday party. 
Suho placed a ribbon around his neck and told Sehun I'm the gift. Beside him Chen goes, "Why is that hyung like that?'
Luhan told Sehun to stop growing taller.
K fans often say "안하잖아 엑소컴백" which means exo wont make a comeback. When party ended, Suho was the one who said it
Luhan claimed he didn’t know the choreography to “alone” so Suho demonstrated once. As Suho danced, he learned by the side, lifting his leg up and then shaking his but.
Kris said "why is sehun so handsome?" and then he changed to "why is sehun so ugly" then said "Can sehun grow as tall as me?"
Whenever kris doesn't talk sehun will go "why is woori kris not speaking~?" (why is our kris not speaking)
Then kris looked at suho and said "i don't think you can grow anymore".
Kai laughed like a witch, I didn’t know it was him at first, but he sounded so much like a witch. Luhan was just nodding and blinking today. The person who spoke the least was Kris. Suho said it was impossible without Chanyeol and Baekhyun, there were some really cold jokes. When the cake was presented, Suho said that if Chanyeol was here, he would have mentioned his responsibility to light up the cake….
Jongdae tells Sehun, 'It's okay to play in our room but can you please clear things out after playing.'
Sehun was addicted to the Banmal game (where the youngest can speak impolitely) and he kept playing it.
Near the ending of the birthday party, sehun insisted on playing "Age reversal game" and Suho went all "Watch out when we're back home."
Q: What did you feel when you graduated? Sehun said it was talked about many times so he doesn't want to talk about it anymore and choose another question.
either that or suho said "let's meet when we are at home ^___^ after this ends let's talk ^___^" and sehun went all OTL
Suho then told Kris to sit down, but everyone started saying that even if Kris sat down, he would be at Suho's height.
Fans asked sehun "What's your tip to growing so tall?" Sehun said "I didn't drink milk everyday, I sleep very late, it's all in the genes~"
After sehun said that, he looked at luhan and said "Hyung, let's see if you can do this too(and grow tall like me)~"
Kris said "first of all, our Sehun is really handsome so I came to his birthday party"
Luhan told Sehun, "Stop growing taller, you are taller than me even when I put on insoles." 
What Kai and Sehun wore today was similar to a couple's outift
Luhan told Sehun to stop getting taller, that even if he uses lifts now he'll become smaller than Sehun, makes him sad
They asked a fan who was wearing her school uniform to pick a question for sehun to answer and sehun went all what school are you from~
Suho told Sehun that height didn’t signify who was the “boss” while Kris mumbled by the side “if you’re tall, you’re the boss”
Suho said to Sehun: "You're tall doesn't mean you're the hyung" Kris retorted "Being tall is the hyung"
But when the fan said she's from XXX school sehun went all "oh i don't know this school" & the members went all "what are you doing sehun.."
When Sehun was one, he took money (a tradition where babies were given a few things to choose from to "predict" their future)
Sehun said D.O was the first to wish him happy birthday, right at 12:01am but Kai said that he wished him too at the same time!
When Luhan and Suho were done with the “alone” dance, they wanted Sehun to do it too but he was shy.. So Chen gave him a condition that if he danced, he’d give him 5 minutes to play the age reversal game and he did it… He dragged Kai along with him and bargained for 6 minutes of that game. Kai did dance little but it was just the butt-shaking part
Sehun wanted to continue playing the age-reversal time game (야자타임), Suho said, "See you at the dorm, we'll talk when this ends." Then Sehun kneeled down in front of Suho.
Jongdae was laughing at Jongin because he used too much strength to dance Hoot.
A question was "If you were the leader of exo what would u do?" Sehun: "i will gather all the members n punish them
Suho tied a ribbon on his neck and told Sehun that he is the present!
Jongdae suffered 멘봉 twice cos when Sehun reached the dorm he shouted "쫑따이~" (jjong-dda-ee) and Kai shouted "아들!~"
Junmyeon said Chanyeol's line in the Sunny10 CF~ "한번 찌그러진 캔은 다시 펴지지 않아"
AS Kai walked up to choose a question, he commented that there was nothing much to choose from so Luhan walked up and chose one, saying “I really want to know the answer to this.” The question was “how to grow taller?”
Kai called both Chen and Sehun his "sons"..
To delay time during the age-reversal game, Kai said he wanted to drink water, Sehun drank after him. Kai treated the bottle like a mike and exploded into laughter, saying he really thought it was a mike. (OP’s fanaccount note: Kai’s jaw looked like it was going to fall, chen imitated him with another bottle by the side. Luhan’s jaw “fell” many times too today, I’m pretty worried for kailu’s jaws…)
Sehun says that jongdae is the easiest to bully in exo~
Chen to Sehun: It's okay if you play in my room, but can you clean up before leaving?
Suho complained about Kris standing beside him so Kris took a chair and sat down. In the end, their heights were almost the same
Luhan went to pick a question, and said, "I really want to know the answer.." The question was: What to do in order to grow taller
Sehun didnt have anything to say bout Luhan so Jongdae (who go teased alot) said "What kind of relationship do you two have?"
Jongin was giving his all dancing hoot and he was using too much force lmao and kimjongdae kept laughing at him XD
One of Chen's mission was to speak in a woman's voice.
Jongin was scratching his nose but he got told off by Suho, so jongin innocently replied "it's really itchy.. how can i not scratch it.."
Sehun complained that the questions Suho chose were un-entertaining so Suho “erupted” and told Sehun to pick them himself… Kai stood at the back and encouraged him, “he asked you to choose yourself, hurry up..” Sehun decided to let a fan choose so he picked someone in uniform and asked which school she was from… The fan answered but Sehun said he hadn’t heard of that school, Sehun claimed he actually thought he’d know of it.
"Question: What do you hate? Sehun: Suho hyung." HAHAHAHAHAHA.
 When Suho was talking, Sehun kept touching Luhan's thighs.
If there was something Luhan didn’t understand, he would ask Kai but Kai wouldn’t give him an answer
Kai said he was wearing a couple’s outfit because it was Sehun’s birthday. (denim jackets) As Suho spoke, Sehun kept touching Luhan’s thighs. Chen asked how Sehun was feeling today and he replied in a rather sarcastic tone, “I’m really happy, it’s really interesting..” (OP’s fanaccount note: I totally couldn’t feel the happiness from him..)
When a song came on for mission time Suho asked "Is this the kwiyomi song?" Jongdae replid "How could you not know the numbers song?!"
Luhan: Sehun is a kid, he would kick his blanket while sleeping. Fan: How do you know? Luhan: Because he likes to sleep with me.
they said you can expect our new album its very very nice awesome and also great 그럼머해..안엑컴이잔..
When deciding how long to play the age reversal game, Kai and Sehun said “1 minute? 2 minutes? Or 1 day? Or maybe 2?” And then both (kids) high fived!
Whenever Sehun sees Chen in the dorm, he would call him by his Chinese name
Chen gave Sehun a little lesson, he said Sehun would usually call him “Jong Da” at the dorms, making him feel lost (not knowing what to do)
  • 16 people didn't go for the party today. Another 1 got kicked out for recording (audio). (cr: 最受宠哒凡baby, DC trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Suho: Why did you guys come to this place that looks like it is going to collapse? Fans: Sehun's birthday! Suho: Isn't it EXO's anniversary? Then Sehun made an angry expression and Suho looked at him, and said, "Oh, for that..." (cr: 眠夏夏, DC trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Kai wore a crown when he first entered but as he greet fans, it dropped so he placed it on the chair instead… in the end when he was about to sit on it, Chen removed it (from the chair) for him. (trans: xiches)
  • When asked who was the first person who greeted Sehun on his bday, he said it was D.O. who greeted him exactly at 12 midnight. Sehun was a bit disappointed because his other hyungs didn't greet him and at 12:01 D.O. sent him a text message too. And Kai who was beside Kyungsoo said "I will send him (Sehun) a message too!" (trans: sehunownsme)
  • Kai said he was wearing a couple’s outfit because it was Sehun’s birthday. (denim jackets). As Suho spoke, Sehun kept touching Luhan’s thighs. Chen asked how Sehun was feeling today and he replied in a rather sarcastic tone, “I’m really happy, it’s really interesting..” (trans: xiches)
  • The worker gave Sehun a bottle of purple vitamin water with a straw. Sehun exclaimed, "Oh~ You even inserted the straw for me!" (trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Sehun's cap dropped. A fan picked it up and gave it to him. He thought it was a present and didn't take it. After a second glance he then realised it was his cap. (cr: love恩yan trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Chen said that Leader Suho is really great, because he won't get angry when the members joke around with him. But when the members go overboard, Suho will say, "Stop it" and no one will dare to continue with the joke. (cr: Kai_SexyBlackCat, trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Sehun did a little of the Gwiyomi/Cutie player. (cr: 眠夏夏, DC trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • One of Chen's mission was to speak in a woman's voice. (cr: _原博易主_ trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • There was a mission that they (Sehun & Suho) should do Chanyeol's lines in the Sunny10 cf. They said Kris might know it, but he said he didn't. (trans: sehunownsme)
  • Junmyeon immitated Chanyeol's lines on sunny10, "한번 찌그러진 캔 은 다시 펴지지 않아" (cr:DC trans: canyeol)
  • Suho sang the digits song. The one that goes "1.. 2... 3.." (cr: 眠夏夏, DC trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Suho wore a ribbon on his head and told Sehun "My present for you is myself" (cr: parkchanppe trans: sehunownsme)
  • Suho had overexcessive variety skills again today, but no one bothered about him so he was “high” by himself. He even said (안하잖아 엑소컴백) “Isn't EXO not making a comeback?” at the end. (cr: 牙1127 trans: xiches)
  • Suho was exploding with variety sense tonight, he even said, "Because Baekhyun isn't here, so no one can stop me!" (cr:Kai_SexyBlackCat, DC trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • If there was something Luhan didn't understand, he would ask Kai but Kai wouldn’t give him an answer. (cr: 卑鄙BAbe被逼哔哔bb trans: xiches)
  • Luhan pretended like he was going to stab Kai, he looked really mad. With one hand holding his right shoulder, he “stabbed” Kai with the other. Kai started touching Luhan’s hair while Luhan rubbed Kai's ribs and waist area. (cr: 卑鄙BAbe被逼哔哔bb trans: xiches)
  • Sehun said Chen is the hyung that is the easiest to deal with. (cr: 小智MAX, DC trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Sehun was asked “what do you hate?” and Sehun answered “Suho hyung~ i really hate him~” (trans: xiches)
  • Question picked: If you were the leader? Sehun: I will gather all the members and punish them! (cr: DC trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Fan: How does Sehun attack his hyungs (Luhan)? Suho: There isn't anything special, because to Sehun, Luhan is special. Luhan: What?! (cr: 维尼尼 trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Fan: Any weak points? Suho: Just keep praising Sehun, even if he made mistakes, you have to say it nicely to him one to one. (cr: 最受宠哒凡baby trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Kris asked why Sehun was so handsome and when others started jeering, he changed it to “why is Sehun so ugly”. (trans: xiches)
  • When deciding how long to play the age reversal game, Kai and Sehun said “1 minute? 2 minutes? or 1 day? or maybe 2?” and then both (kids) high fived! (trans: xiches)
  • To delay time during the age-reversal game, Kai said he wanted to drink water, Sehun drank after him. Kai treated the bottle like a mike and exploded into laughter, saying he really thought it was a mike. (trans: xiches)
  • Kris was not talking when they were playing 반말 game. Sehun said quietly, almost whispering “Why is our Kris not talking?” (cr: DC trans: canyeol)
  • After a while, Sehun immediately said “Hyung! (doesn't dare to say Kris again) I’m only doing this for fun!” (cr: DC trans: canyeol)
  • Sehun was really addicted to the age-switching game (in which the oldest becomes the youngest and vice versa), he requested for them to continue playing, so Suho said “see you at home, we’ll talk about it when it ends.” (trans: xiches)
  • During the age reversal game, Sehun had the time of his life, Kai too, using so much in-formalities.. in the end when it ended, Sehun kneel before Suho while Kai kept his “I’m still older” look. (trans: xiches)
  • The girl group dances were determined by throwing a die. Sehun and Kai danced Hoot in a cool way. Luhan said it wasn't sexy enough.
  • Kai used too much energy when he was dancing Hoot, and got laughed at by Chen. (cr: Kai_SexyBlackCat, DC trans:exonyeoshidae)
  • Luhan and Suho lost to "rock,paper,scissors" and they were asked to dance. They were deciding what to dance and they said Gee but someone (Jongdae?) suggested that doing Sistar's Alone is better.
  • Luhan claimed he didn't know the choreography to “Alone” so Suho demonstrated once. As Suho danced, he learned by the side, lifting his leg up and then shaking his butt. (cr: 怒怒est_ trans: xiches)
  • During the girl group dance segment, Suho changed the lyrics of Alone to “I MC alone, how do i do it alone… today is Sehun’s birthday”. (trans: xiches)
  • Even though yaja time (age reversal game) was over, Jongin and Sehun kept speaking in banmal. Chen said they'll let them do it for 5 mins if they dance to a girl group song. Sehun stood up and said he'll do it if Jongin is doing it with him. (trans: sehunownsme)
  • They were thinking of what to dance and they said they wanted Gee. Someone (Kris) suggested they do Kara's butt dance for 6 mins. (trans: sehunownsme)
  • In the end, the other members made them sit down and Luhan said since they were thinking of what to dance and they said they wanted Gee. (trans: sehunownsme)
  • When Luhan and Suho were done with the “alone” dance, they wanted Sehun to do it too but he was shy.. so Chen gave him a condition that if he danced, he’d give him 5 minutes to play the age reversal game and he did it… he dragged Kai along with him and bargained for 6 minutes of that game. Kai did dance little but it was just the butt-shaking part. (cr: DC trans: xiches)
  • As Kai walked up to choose a question, he commented that there was nothing much to choose from so Luhan walked up and chose one, saying “I really want to know the answer to this.” The question was “how to grow taller?” (trans: xiches)
  • A fan asked about the secrets to growing tall so Sehun answered “I don’t have the habit of drinking milk and I sleep really late at night, so this is all hereditary.” After finishing his sentence, he looked at Luhan and added “Hyung, looks like it doesn't work for you~” (trans: xiches)
  • Luhan told Sehun “you shouldn't be growing any taller anymore”. (cr: DC trans: xiches)
  • Suho told Sehun that height didn't signify who was the “biggest brother” while Kris mumbled by the side “if you’re tall, you’re the biggest”. (trans: xiches)
  • Kris said that tall people are hyungs, Kai then said that he has three younger brothers (referring to three people shorter than him). (cr:DC trans: canyeol)
  • Kris said Sehun has the potential to be as tall as him. He then look at Suho and said, "But I think it is impossible for him." Suho then told Kris to sit down, but everyone started saying that even if Kris sat down, he would be at Suho's height. (cr: 卑鄙BAbe被逼哔哔bb trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Sehun complained that the questions Suho chose were un-entertaining so Suho “erupted” and told Sehun to pick them himself… Kai stood at the back and encouraged him, “He asked you to choose yourself, hurry up..” Sehun decided to let a fan choose so he picked someone in uniform and asked which school she was from… the fan answered but Sehun said he hadn't heard of that school, Sehun claimed he actually thought he’d know of it.. (trans: xiches)
  • Kai dropped his phone on the floor, perhaps he was preventing any awkward scenario so as he picked it up, he commented “Aiyo, it’s already 7.50pm…” (trans: xiches)
  • Kai laughed like a witch, I didn't know it was him at first, but he sounded so much like a witch. Luhan was just nodding and blinking today. The person who spoke the least was Kris. Suho said it was impossible without Chanyeol and Baekhyun, there were some really cold jokes. When the cake was presented, Suho said that if Chanyeol was here, he would have mentioned his responsibility to light up the cake.... (cr: 卑鄙BAbe被逼哔哔bb trans: xiches)
  • Suho: Why is the atmosphere like this? Chen: Because you are the one MC-ing. You should sing a song! Suho: What? MAMA? Chen: ..Birthday song. Suho: We can't sing because the cake isn't here yet. So Suho told Sehun to say his thoughts first, they'll sing when the cake comes. (trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Suho gave the mic to Kris first, but he kept avoiding. After Suho's many attempts, Kris finally said, "Happy birthday, our maknae." Sehun then said, "Hyung, actually you have nothing much to say right?" Kris: Have you been trying really hard to grow taller? I'm anticipating! After that he patted Suho's shoulders and said, "Well, not him." Suho sat down but realised that he was a lot shorter than Kris that way so he hurriedly stood up. (trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • Suho then wanted Luhan to say a few words but changed his mind and said, "Nope Luhan is too precious/special, we'll save him for the last." So Suho passed the mic to Kai instead. Kai said, "What we are wearing today makes us look like a couple. But it wasn't intentional." After that Kris said, "We have couple pants!!" Kai ended saying, "Even if I don't say anything, you know how I feel." And the mic was passed to Chen. (trans: exonyeoshidae)
  • When saying their well wishes to Sehun, Chen said he’s happy that Sehun goes to his room, but please pack before leaving. At the end, Suho gave Sehun a kiss~ (cr: 最受宠哒凡 trans: xiches)
  • When it was Luhan’s turn to say his wellwishes, he told Sehun to stop growing any taller because now, even if he wears shoelifts, he looks shorter than Sehun already… Sehun replied “Hyung, you don’t have anything much to say to me right…” and Luhan replied that it’s because they share the same room now anyway. (cr: 牙1127 trans: xiches)
  • During the ending when Suho was thanking everyone quite seriously, Chen butted in and said "Yes Kim Junmyeon-ssi, happy birthday". (trans: sehunownsme)
More fan-accounts will be updated ;)
(Credit: http://www.weibo.com/1956059213/zrPV9yGnp, 眠夏夏, 牙1127, ray_0203, dc, xiches, exonyeoshidae, ontokki, 小智MAX, 卑鄙BAbe被逼哔哔bb, 怒怒est, parkchanppe, 我是龙会飞哦, _原博易主_, BeiG皿v皿 King Krong@cxo)
Compiled and Shared by Luhan @ EXOdicted.blogspot.com

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