[TRANS] 130414 Lay's Pre-debut Posts on Baidu Zhang Yixing Bar

Lay have a Baidu account created for him by the admin of Baidu Zhang Yixing Bar. These are his old posts.

Title: Its been hard on everyone
Its been 5 years since year 2005 to year 2010, my Bar is still existing. This makes me feel very warm and good. Thanks to all of you for letting Tieba goes on for such a long period. Seeing you all graduate from junior high school or graduate from high school and entering the university...Really, its been 5 years, such a great change. There are still 50 people supporting me, I'm very thankful. I'm especially thankful to the admin, its been hard on you, haha. I do not have much time to visit Tieba everyday, so sorry to everyone. I just came home, I'm very tired everyday. Hope that you all will take care of your bodies, focus on your own career, jiayou. All of you will be successful. I'll jiayou too, thanks for your support.

I'll take the sofa(the first reply to a post). Thank you ^^

Title: Titleless
Thanks to YouYouXinQing(The admin of Zhang Yixing Bar) for creating this ID for me, its great. Baidu will automatically sign in all the time, so that I can often visit and chat with you all. Changsha should be turning cold now, everyone take care and don't catch a cold~~

I'll sit on the sofa~Everyone has to be happy everyday~

Title: Thanks everyone..~
I often see everyone talking when I visit this Bar. I'm very happy and touched, feeling that there are still so many people caring about me, I'm very contented and blessed.
Thank you,everyone..
Take care of your bodies, hope that everyone stays happy everyday.
Erm....I'm very thankful...I'll continue to work hard~!
[Besides saying thank you I don't know what else to say..I'm very touched~Thank you (*^_^*)]

I sit on the sofa,haha~ ~~~~

Source: Baidu Zhang Yixing Bar, Translated by: tzertzer
Shared by tzertzer @ EXOdicted.blogspot.com

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