[TRANS] 130802 EXO's Article + Interview on SoCool Magazine [Part 2 + 3]

We are One is not just as simple as a catchphrase.

As of now, K-pop is trending around the world, and China is not an exception to this trend. But if you were to ask which of these idols have the biggest share of the market in China, then it is definitely SM’s idols. Perhaps it is because they took into consideration this market, thus making sure EXO’s activities were split into EXO-K and EXO-M from the very start. The advantages naturally are: being able to get twice the amount of popularity, being able to yield twice the results from promoting, even being able to split one song into two and listen to it. It is very different from the promotions of many of the so called ‘Chinese versions’ translated directly into Korean. After looking carefully, you will find out that, be it K’s original lyrics or M’s Chinese lyrics, they have all been very carefully worded. Although the very Chinese phrases perhaps do not match very well with the Korean melody, you can tell the importance that SM has placed on the Chinese market through this album. K’s activities in Korea are very monotonous; other than performing songs there are essentially no other public schedules. Only in their resting time do they go out to do volunteer work at the nursery. In comparison, M’s promotions in China are extremely plentiful.  Online media, television media, print media, new songs, commercial performances, variety shows…… essentially EXO-M has tried all promotional methods. If you were to compare the promotions EXO has done in China to that in Korea, EXO have not frequently been on shows in China, but haven’t they already been on shows in Korea?~

COOL: We have to say that when looking at the Asian music industry, China is a very large market. What do the members think are the advantages of EXO splitting into EXO-K and EXO-M and separately promoting in Korea and China respectively?
Actually, rather than it being an ‘advantage’, EXO should be considered a very unique group. Our debut method was very unique, and the K and M groups can help each other. Furthermore… we have many members, so we can continue trying out new things in terms of style. (The point ‘many members’ is an unsurpassable advantage, we acknowledge!)
SEHUN: Being split into two groups and conducting activities gives us more time to meet with the fans in both Korea and China. K and M are also able to showcase different sides of each group.
KRIS: The biggest advantage is that we are able to simultaneously conduct activities in both Korea and China. The effect of our activities is also twice that of a normal group’s.
CHEN: I also think the same.
CHANYEOL: I feel that in comparison to other groups, we are able to even more quickly advance overseas. Furthermore, being able to choose between the Chinese version and Korean version of a song to enjoy, each with their own style, also feels pretty good.
SUHO: Being able to promote simultaneously in China and Korea will allow more people to find out about EXO, and can help promote the exchange of cultures between Korea and China. (Leader has added another level of meaning to promoting as two separate groups!)
COOL: Because the two groups promoted separately during ‘MAMA’, but came together as one for this round of ‘Wolf and a Beauty (Wolf)’ promotions, and even go on variety shows together – what does it feel like to promote together? When you are at airports, what do you usually do?LAY: (extremely excited) It’s fun, I’m happy! But when we’re waiting at airports, we usually just rest, because we’re tired.KRIS: Although it feels good doing activities together, we’ve been really busy as of late so I’ve constantly been resting. There isn’t enough sleep time.LU HAN: I also feel that having activities together is good, but when waiting at airports, I prefer to rest. Some members will end up having a lot of fun playing. (Which members are these? The ‘some members’ are actually all of the members, other than the above three!)BAEKHYUN: Because EXO promotes together, we can showcase an even more powerful performance on stage to the masses and to our fans. This is what feels different from promoting separately.SEHUN: Firstly, I feel that it is very meaningful – I’m very blissful! When the members are together, I like to chat or play games with the others.CHANYEOL: No matter how you put it, being able to get together with the members who are always apart makes me feel very blissful, and very happy. I really like to play games too.KAI: It’s pretty good because we chat about interesting things or play games when we have breaks. We won’t dryly wait at airports, but will pass the time doing interesting things. (Are you saying that those geges who either rest or sleep are ‘dry’? Even KAI doesn’t sleep!)XIUMIN: When we promote as 12, it feels very stable. It feels like the stage has been filled even more, and we are able to show an even more powerful feeling. Half of the M members will be resting, but I still quite like to play. (Big brother, are you secretly mocking the other three?)SUHO: Being able to promote together is really good. When we have breaks while waiting at airports, we will play small games, or sing some songs, those kinds of activities. It feels like every day is a party. It is that brilliant. (The manager must have headaches.)CHEN: Because we have activities together every day, there is no time whatsoever to feel bored.TAO: There is both good and bad, but regardless, I still always feel blissful, because the twelve people are one.
COOL: It hasn’t been long since EXO debuted, but is there a member that the other members think has performed unexpectedly well on variety programmes, or naturally has the best variety sense?
LAY: Me! I am pretty goofy, hahahahaha (crazily laughing by himself). Other than me it’ll be BAEKHYUN.
LU HAN: LAY only knows how to express himself well – the person with a natural sense for variety is me!
SEHUN: I acknowledge BAEKHYUN, but CHANYEOL, CHEN, SUHO are all not too bad (carefully thinks for a long while) Actually, everyone is interesting!
CHEN: The members are all very talented, and very interesting. If I had to pick, I would pick BAEKHYUN and CHANYEOL.
KRIS: As of now, I don’t know who is more interesting, but if I were to predict, I agree that it would be BAEKHYUN.XIUMIN: If I collate all the answers, then it’s BAEKHYUN, LAY and CHANYEOL.BAEKHYUN: Everyone’s praising me too much! Actually the unexpected ones are TAO, LAY and CHEN; they are funnier than me. Our variety sense is pretty good. (BAEKHYUN presently has 4 votes! Is there anyone else who wants to nominate themselves? LUHAN only has one vote, is there anyone willing to support him?)CHANYEOL: Actually I feel that the unexpectedly funny one is D.O., and isn’t the member who naturally has a good variety sense CHEN? (CHEN definitely does not know that everyone calls him the heartless ‘final stab!’* group leader)KAI: I also feel that it is D.O..SUHO: Actually, I am the person who is unexpectedly funny! Hahaha… … (Crazily laughing) But if he works with me, our cute variety genius BAEKHYUN will become more interesting.TAO: (puts on a face that displays feigned ignorance) Isn’t the member who naturally has a good variety sense TAO? In private everyone’s variety senses aren’t bad, it’s just that our personalities are different, and our methods are different.
* a member that attacks with sharp comments while another member is already down
COOL: EXO-K already has their own endorsement! How did it feel like shooting the ads for it? EXO-M has yet to have their own endorsement activities. What kind of product would you to choose to endorse? How would you like to shoot the ad? Just imagine it a bit!BAEKHYUN: Because it was an endorsement filmed when we were still rookies, we were really nervous. We felt panicked and overwhelmed. If we did it now we could do even better.D.O.: When we were filming the endorsement there would always be various interesting things that happened, so I don’t think we felt tired. (Continually drinking beverages, changing clothes, conveniently watching the embarrassment of fellow members filming scenes with female idols really is pretty happy~don’t know what those two leads were thinking.)CHANYEOL: In contrast I was really nervous when we filmed our first CF, and really excited. (Because he was the lead? Laugh.) EXO-M’s members all have a lot of talent, I think they will film better than I did.LAY: As long as a chance to film an endorsement comes to us, it will be our honor. We’d like to try any kind of endorsement!LU HAN: Yes! No matter what kind of ad it is, we want to film it!TAO: Because we are rookies, we’d like to film any kind of endorsement, it’s all a worthwhile experience.
COOL: If M were preparing to film an endorsement right now, do K, as experienced colleagues, have any suggestions for them?KAI: Actually when I first began filming the endorsement I was really nervous, but the entire experience was very interesting. If M were to film an endorsement then it would be — don’t be nervous, enjoy it!SUHO: The first time we filmed an endorsement it was really meaningful. The endorsement was……even though our faces were also very important, the most important thing is that the product must be filmed very well. This part is harder, especially filming a drink endorsement, you have to make very ‘refreshed’ expressions.XIUMIN: (Suddenly became excited after hearing “drink”) I want to film a Coca-Cola commercial!SEHUN: It was really meaningful and amazing. And if you film a drink commercial, you have to make a very refreshed expression!!! (The feeling of the little brother constantly encouraging his older brothers was a little strange but also cute!)CHEN: (Said a sentence muffled) I want to be a clothing endorser.KRIS: (Suddenly entered the second element, as if he saw fire in the corner of his eyes) I feel that I could endorse Angry Birds. (Doing his best to put on a frowning face) hahahahahaha. (Leader is very accurate about his position.)
As wild as we are on stage, we also have the small lives of grown men
In school the teachers’ favorite way to teach was “become a bookworm and immerse yourself”, or “when you’ve practiced it a lot then tests naturally will not feel unfamiliar”. Actually this has a point, or else how would EXO have this many fans? A great variety to choose from! If their dominating, aggressive power on stage is their basic characteristic as idols, then in private what will it be like? We believe a lot of fans are also very curious, bringing the also curious Xiao Cool in this part of the interview to deviate gradually from the route, and compared to the serious promotions of before have already deviated from Earth 80,000 meters……life has losses and wins, e.g. taking turns washing the dishes is normal. Those little rascals that always say that they have won, please be careful because in the future you may be in the kitchen working for a long time! (Laugh)
When we were outlining the interview, we also thought: for this group of kids who give most of their time each day to practicing, do they have any so-called “private time”? We also prepared our hearts; maybe the question of “What do you do in your break time?” will along with their replies become this interview’s most optional question. If we don’t ask, we won’t be content; if we ask, we’re afraid they’ll just say “Most of the time we practice. Because we’re too tired from practice everyone uses the remaining time to rest”. For a rising group like EXO, it is understandable that this kind of answer for a magazine interview gives them a bit of rest; but even more so, it is distressing. (Their days are too busy, so maybe the so-called rest time at most is called a “breather” or “shut-eye”? It’s a good thing there are a lot of members. If they take turns splitting into groups and doing activities then they should have more resting time.)
From start to finish they’re still young people in their twenties. Because their hard practices deprive them of the remaining “off stage time”, becoming hyperactive and crazy has become these kids’ way of venting. Playing games, not playing at any time! Xiao Cool, who heard everyone’s replies, wanted to investigate the members’ pockets; he predicted that he would be able to find some toys. When EXO were still taking advantage of the gaps between interviews to talk about the record-breaking night, Xiao Cool again brought up the topic that had already revolved around EXO Planet three times — “What kind of idol do the members want to become the most?” We’re really sorry, we ruined the good spirits everyone had from wanting to break records. We again felt the members’ personalities change with ease, and also hope that EXO, who in the future can become “the worldwide-accredited, one and only, respected, Super Idol who have become models”, will not remember their hatred toward Xiao Cool’s and his dampening of their enthusiasm~ (Laugh)
COOL: This has been mentioned in interviews before. EXO’s members use Rock Paper Scissors to decide the member who cleans – which member constantly wins, and which member constantly loses?CHEN: There doesn’t seem to be a member that constantly loses?TAO:  I don’t know about the constant winner, but the one who constantly loses is me!!! (Listen to this grieving tone! Look at those three exclamation points! This kid originally wanted to put five.)LAY: There is no one who wins all the time, but there is also no one who loses all the time. (Why does this sentence sound so much like the voice of wisdom in a horse betting ring who has been floating along for many years? The thought that I’m slowly getting old welled up in my mind)LU HAN: LAY is right, who knows who loses or wins. (These are the feelings of a football fan.)KRIS: Right, it feels like we’re all about the same.SEHUN: It’s different every time so it’s pretty interesting.BAEKHYUN: It seems like XIUMIN and CHANYEOL win a lot, and LU HAN, SEHUN, and D.O. lose a lot.SUHO: No! Before I lost all the time, now I don’t really lose much!CHANYEOL: (spoken with an arrogant face) Lately it seems like we take turns losing, but I can always win!D.O.: It seems like lately we all take turns washing the dishes. (Looking at the head chef, I suddenly wanted to ask what they were eating tonight.)KAI: (Throughout the entire interview this was the first time a face that was at ease appeared, what’s going on!) Rock Paper Scissors has “trends”, sometimes scissors are “trending”, sometimes rock is “trending”, sometimes paper is “trending”, so you have to think before you put [your hand] out. (Do we dare to ask Master KAI which is trending right now?)XIUMIN: However there is a curse. Generally the person who suggests playing Rock Paper Scissors first will lose.SUHO: XIUMIN-ge is right, the one who suggests it first will lose, so lately the one who constantly loses is KAI!!! (A sense of instant counterattack.)
COOL: During breaks what do you usually do? Are there any activities you’re particularly enthusiastic about lately? For example, reading books, watching movies? Or cooking, composing, etc. If you play a game together who is better?LAY: I like to compose. (Composer Zhang showed talent since he was little, now he is still working hard to learn…)CHANYEOL: In my free time I also write lyrics and compose.KRIS: For me there are more. I read, compose, write lyrics, play basketball, sleep……( Actually that last one did not have to be said) Occasionally I also play games.LU HAN: Yes, the members like to play games together.CHANYEOL: BAEKHYUN likes playing games, he is the best at it among the twelve of us.BAEKHYUN: I really am the one who plays the best. (self-satisfied, smug face) Aside from writing songs together, LAY and CHANYEOL occasionally also go out to exercise together.SEHUN: For games it’s KAI or BAEKHYUN. Actually for each game the one who’s good at it is a bit different. (Is this pouring cold water on BAEKHYUN?)KAI: For games it’s still BAEKHYUN-ge who plays well. Most of the time I watch videos or read books related to dancing. I also like to listen to music. I don’t often play games.CHEN: Everyone splits into teams to play video games. Watching TV together is also pretty fun.XIUMIN: The thing I do the most is exercise. During breaks I drink coffee.SUHO: I like going to the Han River to run or to ride my bike. (The life of a rich boy, a spirit that enjoys freedom.)D.O.: I’m a bit different from everyone because I like movies, so during break time I often watch movies.
COOL: Right now do the twelve members live together or separately after you have events together? How are the members’ rooms divided? We’re curious about whether anything fun happens to you usually?LAY: There’s actually 16 of us living together! (The other four should be the managers.)XIUMIN: With how the rooms are divided… I, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Tao are in one room, Lu Han, D.O and Sehun are in a room, Suho, Chen and Kai in a room, Kris and Lay are apart living with the manager-geges.SUHO: There’ll definitely be a lot of fun things that happen when living together. Chen and Kai are constantly looking for new games to play, they’re also becoming closer and closer. The two of them seem as though they want to become the world’s kings of games! (Would that be because they’re constantly losing to Baekhyun?)CHEN: After activities we began living together, and the rooms were arranged by our manager. There are a lot of us, but because there are only 2 bathrooms, sometimes when you go to take a bath you realise that there aren’t any towels. Whilst you’re coming out to grab a towel, someone else has already gone into the bathroom and locked it.D.O: So when we shower, 2 or 3 of us wash together. (Images, an image that does not go away!)BAEKHYUN: When everyone’s living in the dorms together, the funniest parts are when we’re eating or tidying up, as well as when we’re playing the “lucky or not” game or when we’re making bets.
COOL: You’ve discussed so many interesting topics, so let’s ask a bit more of a deep one this time. Members, what type of idol would you like to become?LU HAN: To become the best idol!KRIS: A unique idol!SEHUN: An idol who knows how to enjoy things and is able to do so.LAY: I want to become the world’s idol!TAO: A super idol that the whole world recognises!XIUMIN: An idol who brings happiness and joy to the fans when on stage!SUHO: An idol everyone wants to become and is respected!D.O: A South Korea-China coordinator idol! (This term is so familiar, the EXO lot keep bringing this up, it couldn’t have been memorised as well right? Laughs~)CHEN: An idol who is approved of!CHANYEOL: Yes! I want to become an idol whose strengths are approved of. If I continue to work hard there will definitely be a day where everyone approves of me, right?KAI: Rather than a handsome idol, I, or rather, EXO, want to become idols who can pass the story we want to tell to everyone, as well as be able to touch everyone’s hearts.
COOL: Becoming the idols in your dreams and gaining the support of fans are inextricably linked. Let us greet the readers once more through “COOL MUSIC” at the end of this interview; say some things you would like to say to Chinese fans. Since it’s the first time, longer messages are fine too.LAY: “COOL MUSIC” readers, thank you for the concern and care you’ve given EXO. You’ve brought us lots of honour/glory, and we will continue to work hard. I hope you will be by our side. And please support “COOL MUSIC” and EXO a lot.KRIS: Thank you to all of the fans who have supported us all this time. I will continue to work hard. I hope that I am able to bring even more pleasant surprises to you, and I hope that I’m able to see you more often, thank you! (You did a kissing face, what do we do! Are you trying to kill us!!!!)LU HAN: We will continue to work hard!XIU MIN: We still have a lot of things that we can show everyone, please look forward to them a lot! Chinese fans! I miss you guys TT^TT (pretends to cry, EXO’s cute dage is doing aegyo again) (t/n: dage = biggest brother)CHEN: Readers of “COOL MUSIC”, hello! We’ve finally seen everyone after the endless waiting. (You’re right, it’s already been a year and only now we’ve finally caught you guys for an interview.) We’ve honestly done a lot of preparation this time, so everyone please look forward to it a lot, and like us a lot~ I love you all~ (makes heart shape, they’re all kids who won’t let others live.)TAO: Thank you for your support, no matter where we are. No matter how far away we are from you, I miss you, and I love you.
COOL: And the members of K?SEHUN: Thank you to the Chinese fans for always liking EXO, we will come to China often to see you. I love you all.BAEKHYUN: (quickly comes back to it) Ah! I love you all! You are the beauties I am the wolf! No, we are EXO! (what are you talking about) We will be going to China very soon for activities, just wait a bit longer, okay! We will be coming to you with an even more handsome image!CHANYEOL: I hope you guys like our first official album <XOXO> and I hope that we can meet everyone in China as soon as possible! Everyone, please wait a bit longer. I love you all!D.O: Honestly, thank you so much to everyone for liking EXO so much. We will become an EXO who will present an even better image for everyone! Thank you!KAI: Yes, hello everyone. “COOL MUSIC”’s readers, fans, hello! I am Kai. (Suddenly so formal and awkward. All readers, please sit properly and listen to His Excellency Kai’s speech.) This time, we’ve only met everyone through this simple and short interview, next time we will definitely come to China personally to see everyone. We will become an always modest, always hard working EXO!SUHO: We prepared this <XOXO> album whilst thinking of everyone and working hard! This time, we won’t only come on music shows but also a lot of other shows, in order to present a different us, please support us a lot!
Club: EXO-M
Team: Park Jisung’s team
Distinctive features: Blonde hair and smooth looks, primary school student’s body
Killer skill: Innocent, child-like face

Live broadcast: During the time that XIUMIN was on the field there was not enough time for the opposition to attack, but in the role of assisting, XIUMIN performed very well. Using the advantage of his nimble body, XIUMIN did not play the role of messing up the view of the opposition just once. Even though a soccer game is just a game where a group of people chase after a soccer ball, we must say that XIUMIN’s speed is really fast! In that short time that he was on field, XIUMIN was constantly chasing closely after that soccer ball. He did not rest for even a moment, his fast speed made his smooth and neat hair turned completely into an ‘all back’ style. His fringe that was originally smooth and straight down his forehead, eventually ended up lying flat on the top of his head because of the winds blowing in the opposite direction. You can just imagine how fast our little guy’s speed was in running. During the match, XIUMIN did not just flip his shirt up a bit once, but eventually just stuffed his entire shirt into his shorts while on field. Before he officially went on field, this person was hopping and jumping about, not resting a moment. In the time that he was on the bench, he was constantly warming up; the Korean staff could only hold onto this kid’s waist and inform him of what was presently happening on the field. Looking at this scene, we want to ask if this little guy is really the oldest member in the group. Is this really not the venue of a youth friendly soccer match?
I haven’t seemed like the eldest brother for many years
When we’re at the venue watching XIUMIN play soccer, we are really unable to connect this little boy with the image of the oldest in EXO. Amongst the Korean idols, there are many who are lovers of soccer. XIUMIN being a hot blooded soccer fan is something that we have personally confirmed; in private, he often plays soccer with his members for fun. Speaking of which, becoming a member of the Asian Dream Cup and his love for soccer have a very large correlation. In comparison to the way he looks playing soccer on the soccer field, when XIUMIN has yet to officially go on field, the way this kid looks warming up is something that leaves a deep impression. Not only did he warm up from head to toe, he even carefully tied his shoelaces again. Squatting down at one moment, stretching the next, his waistline, leg-line, even his butt-line, everyone took this in with their eyes. Not only was it a feast on the eyes for the fans who were sitting on the stands and looking on, even the gazes of the staff sitting on the side were drawn to this happy boy, taking out their phones and looking as though they are preparing to take a photo of this posture and keep it as a momento. While XIUMIN was in the midst of warming up, the cheering of the fans in the stands did not pause for even a moment. This caused our little guy here to keep turning around and greet his fans while warming up, expressing his thanks with a face full of shyness (laughs).
Name: LU HANClub: EXO-MTeam: Ex-stars teamDistinctive features: Strong and muscular thigh muscles, fluorescent hair colour, deer eyesKiller skill: right whirlwind kick
Live broadcast: Be it when he was waiting at the benches to get on field, or when LU HAN was running on the green grass, this kid’s gaze was always determinedly fixated on the soccer ball. In the first half of the game, Park Jisung’s team’s carelessness allowed LU HAN to grab hold of an opportunity for a shot in the goal. Although that attempt to shoot into the goal while one-on-one with the goalkeeper was a beautiful one, ultimately, he missed the goal. LU HAN, whose attempt had failed, had a bashful look on his face, even embarrassedly sticking out his tongue. Even though his first attempt failed, it did not seem to affect the fierce fighting spirit in this chap. (It’s burning as bright as his red hair!) In EXO, XIUMIN and LU HAN are the two youths who are famous for being in love with soccer as a sport. On that day, the two of them finally had a chance to fulfil their soccer dreams in that one soccer match. On the field, when the two people met, they would give each other a big hug. During half-time, the two of them had their arms over each others’ shoulders as they walked off field. It looked just like they were rivals on field, but brothers off field. But what is up with coming back from half-time with a number 29 jersey and number 41 shorts?
Once a red devil, always a red devil
Being the only Chinese Idol at the ‘Third Asian Dream Cup’, LU HAN played for the Shanghai Ex-Stars team. In past interviews, LU HAN had mentioned that if he had not been a singer, he would have entertained the thoughts of possibly becoming a soccer player. He is a big fan of soccer, but he had never had the chance to showcase his ‘Captain Tsubasa’ side to everyone. On this day, when everyone saw LU HAN running very seriously on the field, they were able to discover that his dream of becoming a soccer player was not just for show. This time LU HAN, who was the only celebrity on the Ex-Stars team, did not only have pretty good chemistry with the seasoned players on the field, he also received a lot of love from the various seniors. Even his photo with national player Fan Zhiyi became the headline article on the sports newspaper the next day. Be it in the dressing room, on the bench, or on the soccer field, LU HAN’s humble demeanour was always regarded by everyone. Even when he was in the changing rooms, he would constantly bow humbly to each of the seniors. When the old seniors did not just praise this young man, but also used their actions to encourage him, one could see just how loveable this kid was. During the live broadcast, the commentator even used the comment “Today, the two attacks by the Ex-Stars team that showed the most threat all came from LU HAN” to express his affirmation towards this young chap. Being able to receive the love of the masses naturally has a reason behind it; other than this young chap’s natural humbleness, another reason is the constant showing of his love for soccer, through his gaze right down to his movements.
EXO-M It’s time to turn into wolves!
When EXO-M came out to perform, it was pouring heavy rain at the Hong Kou Soccer Stadium. In the rather large stadium, from time to time, the sounds of thunder could be heard and one could even see flashes of lightning across the sky. The people who were not at the stadium may have felt that the weather god was not being kind that day, but speaking from Xiao Cool’s personal experience, this heavy rain was really just right for the occasion! It was raining very heavily, and we as well as the fans were worried that the members would fall sick – however, if you were there in person and heard the sounds of thunder and looked as each member transformed into wolves during ‘Wolf and a Beauty (Wolf)’, you too would be filled with emotion over the atmosphere the rain had created that is practically like the stroke of a genius. There is no need for post-production to add on special background effects, the venue itself directly creates on its own its special sound effects! The sudden rainstorm did not extinguish the members’ passion, but in contrast, made these group of boys even more excited. These few boys stretched out their long arms, and with what looked like the wings of eagles, ‘flew’ to the middle of the stage. From the very opening, they had already positioned themselves into the ‘tree’ formation at the beginning of ‘Wolf and a Beauty (Wolf)’. We would typically see the 12 person version of the ‘tree’ at the venues of music programs, so the six person version of the ‘tree’ really opened up our eyes. Looking at it front on, there did not seem to be much change, but looking at it from the side, this ‘tree’ really seemed to have slimmed down a lot (laughs). Describing the rain that day as a rainstorm is not exaggerating at all; it was not long before the members’ clothes and shorts were soaked through by the rain. This massive rain rained down so hard that for a moment, the members were unable to open their eyes. Their hair that had just been styled ended up looking like there had been no styling done at all because of the downpour, but these few guys did not even panic at all, combing their hair back with their hands, looking exactly like a moving poster! (With them being wet and all, wouldn’t it!) “1, 2, 3. We Are One! Hello everybody, we are EXO. We are very, very happy that we are here in Shanghai today. Thank you everyone. We are also very honoured to be invited to today’s Asian Dream Cup. Next time, we hope that we will be able to bring our EXO-K members along as well. Thank you everyone, the next song is our song ‘History’. Thank you, we love you all. (By Kris)” There was no choice but to shorten the members’ MC time because of the rainstorm. The storm, accompanied by thunder, allowed everyone to see a different kind of performance.

(Source: 倒倒天才_Critty / Trans by: amy + angi + hyewon + xuan@exom-trans)
Shared by Luhan @ EXOdicted.net

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