[MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS] Projects, Staff Applications, Staff Of The Month, 'The War' Layout. etc!

Hi guys!
Its been such a long time since the last time we posted an announcement post, its been like a year since the last time we changed the theme! Woah.. time flies and EXO has grabbed 20 daesangs with a blink of an eye! We love our powerful boys~!!!👀

Okay so, straight to the point!
I'm here to deliver a news slice an info slice a very important announcement regarding EXODICTED, so read carefully without skipping any parts of it because its really important, maybe you can use it for your science research😋

Anyway I'm here speaking in behalf of EXODICTED's Staff, my name is Fika and I'm the founder of the site. Hello world! (insert a very excited tone here)
So here's the news:

1. Staff Applications

Ahh.. these past few months, we've been very busy in keeping up with EXO's tight schedule, all of the staffs are trying their best to bring news about EXO right on time but we're all have our own life and we're growing up so we're slowly put our passion in loving EXO aside cause we couldn't do anything about it unless we can cut ourselves into two, one going to school/office 24/7 and the other ones is updating the site/focusing about EXO 24/7. I wish we all can do it but we couldn't so the impact is our site is getting SO SLOW nowadays, its include EXOdictSubs, our dedicated subbing team, most of our hardworking staffs are currently busy so the projects which we promised in EXDSUBS or basically Weekly Review, Weekly Topics, etc -- stuff that we used to do regularly is stopped/delayed for the time being because the mentioned reason. But EXOdictSubs are still working pretty fast altho not super fast (Psstt.. EXO-L is HUGE, you can find the english subbed vids within a day😋) but as our subbing team is different, we provided the HQ subbed vids (caption translated) so I hope you guys can wait for our subbing videos. Also, me personally, I'm the only one who keeps the site updated with the translator and sometimes editor helping me, we have such a great teamwork but its just time, we don't have time to do that as soon possible like we used to. So, in order to solve this matter, we're hiring many many many more people to join us as our staff, we're trying our to best to avoide the /closed down/ topic because we wouldn't want our hardships ends here just because we're all so busy with life, EXOdicted has been the witness of our growth and most importantly our youth, alongside our love with EXO pre-debut till now, we want to protect that love forever so we really don't want to end this journey.
So, please.. if you're capable to be our staff, please join our family, we really need your help. We will run this site together. We always think that being the staff of a fansite is incredible, I meant, we did all of this because we love the boys so much and its like a feedback to their hardwork and how they protect us.

ALL OF our staff applications are available but we urgently need AUTHOR a.k.a an updater, the one who will actively updates everything about EXO. If you want to become our author just apply ASAP!
Also, we want more subber, korean translator, graphic designer, volunteer, etc. Just go straight to the applications link - here.
Here's the post on what's the benefit you gain after becoming our staff. (You will find out about it here too so keep reading!)

2. Projects

On EXO's anniversary, we did a project alongside the orher fanbases called Blissful 1825, a project where you can send letters/messages about your EXO-L life and experiences, etc. and we'll make it into a digital book. Yes, we're still in a process of finishing it, it'll probably done before new year, it took time because the staffs are so busy but don't worry we will finish it like how we finished our projects in the past.

Make sure to watch our short clips of Blissful 1825, it proves that we will definetely finish the project.

Then, to celebrate EXO's comeback with THE WAR, who sold 1M albums within a month, not even 3 weeks, its only 24 days after its released but EXO has sold 1M albums. #legendsonly

So to celebrate that, we do a collab with Korean's skincare box shop bomibox and we finished it successfully with one lucky winner that you can check on our Instagram post - here.

bomibox is a friendly online shop that provides a box full of Korean skincare, they send the box monthly, all you have to do is to subscribe to them with optional packages as you want to. More info you can find on their website - here.

Its been such a great year for both EXO and us. We hope that in the future we can do this kind of collaboration for you, our active readers.

Ah, we did giveaways for EXO'rDIUM concerts in the past, you can find out about it in project tag.

3. The War Layout

With EXO coming back with new albums, we immediately discuss about what concept we want to use for the our new layout, all of the staffs said we should wait for the completed teasers to decide what concept we wanted, originally we want to keep it simple but we eventually make a simple yet elegant layout. So, there you go!

The War 1.0

The War 2.0

Which one do you like the most? Comment down below! :D

4. Staff Of The Month!

Yes, staff of the month is here! Its time for us to announce the most active and diligent staff! We did staff of the month back in 2014 omg! Its been 3 years?!?! Wow!
Anyway, we have special gifts for the winning staff so yes hardwork is paid off! 😉

Bronze Prize goes to Gina = Editor, EXDSUBS Team Leader!

Silver prize goes to Elise = Graphic Designer, the one that make The War layout!

Congratulations to our super hardworking staff! 

Yes, we have this kind of things starting this month so make sure to join our site! :D

Okay, so this is the end of this major announcements, the main point of this post is that WE REALLY NEED NEW AUTHOR! Please apply if you want to ><

[P.s I don't even have time to write this but we really need new author and we've been planning to make an announcement so yeah, I kind of rushing when I wrote this so please pardon my english and maybe there are some words that keeps repeated lol anyway guys I love you and I love EXO so much, fighting!]

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