171223 EXO PLANET #4 in FUKUOKA (Day 2)
1. Jongin appeared again for Boomerang perf with a new black pants and BH commented “What’s that~~!”
2. minseok was doing the spilts and chanyeol came up behind him and pushed him loool minseok scolded chanyeol hahahaha
3. During opening Baekhyun called himself as 'Baekku baekku-chan' so Sehun also said "I'm Sehun-chan"
4. Baekhyun’s voice cracked during Sing for You & the whole atmosphere at the venue became less “serious”. When he headed down the stage when the song ended, everyone burst out into laughter 😂 & he said “I love you” very softly~ 💕
5. When they were talking about Jongin's pants ripping, Jongdae said that he knows how it feels like to have pants rip mid-perf (MAMA 2016) And he said no matter how he tried to cover it, the fans below could see so he was so embarrassed and wanted to cry at home ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. When Baekhyun’s voice cracked, Chanyeol was laughing at him thus he didn’t manage to sing his line well 😂 At the end, all of the members gathered & clapped for Baekhyun!
7. Suho: Chen-san is very quiet right now. But he is going to make you guys have a heavenly experience later, so I will wait! '^'
8. Xiumin: I actually wanted to rip my pants while dancing too. But maybe the reason I couldn't was because I am not Kai.. 
Chanyeol: I guess today's keyword is pants.
9. The members kept teasing Jongin for ripping his pants today, Jongin kept saying 'Why are you like this~ㅠㅠ' and hid behind Kyungsoo while his face was very redㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
10. Suho: I am happy to have performed such a meaningful song with my solo dance today for you all. I wanted to show a new image/side of me through this performance. 
11. Kai: In our VCR, we are distraught because we lose our powers. (explaining story) But more than that, I am more worried about my 'happening' today (ripping pants mid-perf)...
Sehun: Everyone has a right to see your 'happening'. 
Kai: Then, you show them!! ㅂㅇㅂ
12. Suho said he thinks that Chanyeol is addicted to EDM these days ^^; Chanyeol then started to make loud noises with his voice imitating an EDM song and Baekhyun calmed him down by telling him "that's enough!" in Japanese 'ㅅ'
13. Suho: (Talking about Kyungsoo's VCR narration) I was listening to the opening backstage and I thought I was listening to a Japanese voice actor! 
Kyungsoo: I narrated in Korean in Korea, so I thought I needed to narrate in Japanese in Japan. How was it for you all to hear?
14. Suho: We will introduce ourselves now. We Are One! Hello we are EXO~ Welcome to Elyxion in Japan!
Chanyeol: Konichiwa~~ Chanyeol des!! ㅇㅍㅇ
Baekhyun: Konichwa Baeku Baeku Baekujjang des~ 'ㅅ'
15. Sehun: (in Japanese) Did you all get the letter invitations to come here?
Sehun: (suddenly in Korean) But I only sent a letter to Kyungsoo hyung. What happened, Kyungsoo hyung? 
Kyungsoo: I don't know! ಠ_ಠ
16. Junmyeon used the word 'achikochi' (あちこち) in his ment which means 'here and there/place to place', so he began to jump back and forth here and there like a bunny while saying, "achikochi~ achikochi~" '^' 🐰💕
17. Jongin's pants ripped during Boomerang :') He couldn't perform the rest of the song after that so he said 'sumimasen' (sorry) and left the stage 😂 Junmyeon asked what part of his pants ripped and Chanyeol said there was a little bit of a 'happening' lOL
18. (After EXO witness Jongin's pants ripping mid-perf) 

Chen: If someone else's pants rip, will we need to break into a ment time again?
Baekhyun: Nah. If the pants are not a typically eye-catching color, we don't need to.
19. Jongin soon changed into pants (that weren't ripped) and he was the only one wearing tight black pants :') Then Chanyeol randomly asked the color of Jongdae's underwear and Jongdae replied "B..black.." 'w' ;;;;
20. Suho: (Talking about Kyungsoo's VCR narration) I was listening to the opening backstage and I thought I was listening to a Japanese voice actor! 
Kyungsoo: I narrated in Korean in Korea, so I thought I needed to narrate in Japanese in Japan. How was it for you all to hear?
21. During <Touch It>, Sehun made a charismatic expression while looking at the camera and then Baekhyun at the side kept saying "yabai yabai!" (A japanese slang). Also, BH touched Jongin butt again during the performance TT
22. OP said junmyeon was so cute during kaching. while other members were jumping around, he was sitting alone and he was chewing a straw but theres water in it
23. Yesterday during Boomerang Baekhyun use the standing mic to play golf

Today Baekhyun use the standing mic as a guitar 🎸 😂😂😂
24. When Kai’s pants ripped, Baekhyun said: “As expected, it’s (kai) ~ isn’t it?? 
25. during "Sing For You" when baekhyun's voice cracked, chanyeol laughed as if he was going to pass out LOL so he couldn't even sing half of his own part 
26. OP said today's <Playboy> performance is so cool & amazing!!! well done junmyeon 🐰❤
27. Chanyeol: Today was very enjoyable for me~ your energy was very strong. I hope you enjoyed it today as well & I love you~ ㅇㅍㅇ 
Kyungsoo: I think I performed today without knowing that time was passing. No one got hurt today, right? That's a relief!
28. Kai: Today was very enjoyable for me. I think that performing happily will make the people watching me perform happy too. When I see EXO-Ls enjoying our stages, I get very happy too. You were once our energy source again today. I hope that we are your energy source too!
29. Suho: Kai is saying how he hopes for all of us to be happy. I was happy too today. Our Japanese EXO-Ls have very nice stage etiquette so it was enjoyable for us as well! The concert is made by us and the staff of course, but it's only complete with our audience members.
30. Suho: And as I said yesterday, I think that happy times pass quickly. Like how the holidays pass quickly... Today was a very happy moment for me. Let's not forget it! (aegyo tone) '^' Thank you! Arigato~
31. Chen: Did you notice how hard our members prepared today? Thank you so much for letting us tour in Fukuoka in a year! And I would like to thank our staff members for preparing so much for today's concert~ Let's give everyone a round of applause 'w'
32. Chen: I hope today's concert becomes a memory all of you will remember for a long time~ It was very fun today. Thank you so much~
33. Xiumin. You don't regret coming to Elyxion, right? I think that you guys really cheered us on passionately today. We saw a lot of fans today~ you all really were looking at us so lovingly. The sight of you all was really, so pretty.
34. Xiumin: You all were looking at only Kai, right.. :( Kai-ssi. I am jealous!
Kai: Hyung, I will rip your pants with a knife next time when you are not looking...
35. Xiumin: I was actually mad at myself today. Why?... I am so bad at Japanese! :( I wanted to study Japanese while conversating with our Japanese EXO-Ls. But we only talk with the members. That made me a little sad. It was really enjoyable today, let's meet next time again~
36. Baekhyun: I actually wasn't satisfied with my performance today. I took some nutrition/health tonic before going on stage, but my neck condition wasn't good after that 'ㅅ' I started getting energetic when I wasn't supposed to be energetic...
37. Baekhyun: But I used up all of my energy right now, so only regret is filling me... Anyways, I hope you guys liked today's performance because we prepared really hard for it~ I want to come to Japan often, should I? If all of us can't come, then I will by myself! 'ㅅ'
38. Baekhyun: I shouted in all of your ears a lot today. 
Fans: Yes~ (you did) 
Baekhyun: What?? 'ㅅ' ;;;; Did you just say yes??
39.Sehun: Hello. I have reflected on myself a lot yesterday. I studied Japanese really, really hard for today!
Chanyeol: (says statement in Japanese for Sehun to guess)
Translator: (translates it)
Chanyeol: Why did you give it away! ㅇㅍㅇ;;
40. Suho: It's our second concert in Fukuoka so far, we are anticipating our remaining Japanese tour! Everyone, please anticipate 'Electric Kiss' and other upcoming concerts~ We will now perform our next song and say farewell.

We Are One! EXO Saranghaja. 
41. Sehun: We came in Fukuoka after about a year, right? Thank you for waiting for us, EXO-L. I saw a lot of people who attended last year... It's all thanks to you guys that we can hold concerts like these. We hope to make lovely memories for all of you tomorrow as well!

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(Credit: sberryeol, eternally_b, everlasting506, byunificial, kimjunmyeonnews, baekfiring, uploader, as tagged)
Written by Fika @ EXOdicted.net

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