[TRANS] EXO's 'XOXO(Kiss&Hugs)' 1st Repackage Album (Chinese Ver.) [ROM/PINYIN] - Compilation

Yo! Okay

现在很危险 正要警告你 (警告你) 怎么不知道 (You don’t know)
拜託 别再 多给我刺激 (刺激) 我慌了自己 ( Ahoh)

连呼吸都快暂停 当你向我越走越靠近
笑了一下 好奇怪 难道你也觉得怪异
感到眼前一片黑 尤其你看着我 各种表情
你的呼吸声音慢慢清晰 (oh wait)
快要我差点窒息 拜託Girl

Girl我真想藏着你 (藏着你) 藏在我的怀里住 (I’m so serious)
那些视线 让我有一点不开心 (Yo!) 我真的快生气

*黑色的身影 醒在我心里 从我的眼睛里 擦出了激情
在她的范围里 全都该撤离 不然我一定 慢慢发脾气

**我 EuReuReong EuReuReong EuReuReong 你
我 EuReuReong EuReuReong EuReuReong 你
我 EuReuReong EuReuReong EuReuReong 你
如果再不离开 就会有危机

我们一样速度 (Dang!) 快着火的加速度 (Uh uh)
探索你的秘密 (Yeah) 想要看仔细 Baby Oh
看着我 还是没距离
我不会轻易就放开你的啊 Crazy Yeah
Girl 在黑白世界里 那样鲜艳和美丽
看着你的眼睛 心的警报响起 我的心跳告急


多想抱抱你 在怀里不放下
一分一秒过去 我变得兄悍无常

最后厉害的男人 得到女人香 (That’s right)
快回去结束了 你的结果是零了
如果想赢他的心 先打败我再放电

除了我们 全部删去 就是这样爱了
留下了爱情 和我和你 全停止运行
Oh Yeah


Yo! Okay!

Xiànzài hěn wéixiǎn zhèng yào jǐnggào nǐ (jǐnggào nǐ) zěnme bù zhīdào (You don’t know)
Bàituō bié zài duō gěi wǒ cìjī (cìjī) wǒ huāngle zìjǐ (Ahoh)

Lián hūxī dōu kuài zàntíng dang nǐ xiàng wǒ yuè zǒu yuè kàojìn
Xiàole yīxià hào qíguài nándào nǐ yě juéde guàiyì
Gǎndào yǎnqián yīpiàn hēi yóuqí nǐ kànzhe wǒ gè zhǒng biǎoqíng
Nǐ de hūxī shēngyīn màn man qīngxī (oh wait)
Kuàiyào wǒ chàdiǎn zhìxí bàituō girl

Nǚhái wǒ zhēn xiǎng cángzhe nǐ (cángzhe nǐ) cáng zài wǒ de huái lǐ zhù (I’m so serious)
Nàxiē shìxiàn ràng wǒ yǒu yīdiǎn bù kāixīn (Yo! ) Wǒ zhēn de kuài shēngqì

*Hēisè de shēnyǐng xǐng zài wǒ xīnlǐ cóng wǒ de yǎnjīng lǐ cā chūle jīqíng
Zài tā de fànwéi lǐ quándōu gāi chè lì bùrán wǒ yīdìng màn man fā píqì

**Wǒ EuReuReong EuReuReong EuReuReong nǐ
Wǒ EuReuReong EuReuReong EuReuReong nǐ
Wǒ EuReuReong EuReuReong EuReuReong nǐ
Rúguǒ zàibu líkāi jiù huì yǒu wéijī

Wǒmen yīyàng sùdù (Dang! ) Kuài zháohuǒ de jiāsùdù (Uh uh)
Tànsuǒ nǐ de mìmì (yeah) xiǎng yào kàn zǐxì baby oh
Nǐ háishì zài zhèlǐ baby
Kànzhe wǒ háishì méi jùlí
Wǒ bù huì qīngyì jiù fàng kāi nǐ de a crazy yeah
Girl zài hēibái shìjiè lǐ nàyàng xiānyàn hé měilì
Kànzhe nǐ de yǎnjīng xīn de jǐngbào xiǎngqǐ wǒ de xīntiào gàojí


Lìng yīgè láng zài kàn zhège nǚrén
Nǐ jiùshì zhème wánměi de nǚrén
Duō xiǎng bào bào nǐ zài huái lǐ bù fàngxià
Yī fēn yī miǎo guòqù wǒ biàn de xiōng hàn wúcháng

Zuìhòu lìhài de nánrén dédào nǚrén xiāng (That’s right)
Nándào zhēn bùnéng zài yǒu zhuǎn huán de jīhuì
Kuài huíqù jiéshùle nǐ de jiéguǒ shì língle
Rúguǒ xiǎng yíng tā de xīn xiān dǎbài wǒ zài fàngdiàn

Chúle wǒmen quánbù shān qù jiùshì zhèyàng àile
Liú xiàle àiqíng hé wǒ hé nǐ quán tíngzhǐ yùnxíng

Yo! Okay
I’m really dangerous right now, I’m just warning you (warning you), how could you not know? (You don’t know)
Please, please don’t provoke me any more (provoke). I’ve made myself flustered (Ahoh)

When you walk closer and closer to me, even my breath almost stops.
You just laughed, how weird. Could it be that you think it’s monstrous too?
I feel my sight being filled with darkness, especially you looking at me with different expressions.
The sound of your breathing is slowly becoming clearer (oh wait)
It almost makes me suffocate, please, girl.

Girl, I really want to hide you (hide you) hide you in my arms to stay(I’m so serious)
Those stares are making me a bit upset (Yo!) I’m seriously about to get angry

*A black silhouette is awaking inside of me, wiping away the passion from my eyes
Everyone get out of her range otherwise I’m definitely going to get angry.

**I growl growl growl at you
I growl growl growl at you
I grow growl growl growl at you
If you don’t leave now there will be a crisis.

We’re at the same speed (Dang!) quickening like the speed of fire (Uh uh)
I explore your secrets (Yeah) I want to see you clearly Baby Oh
You’re still here Baby
Looking at me, still without a distance.
I won’t let go of you so easily Crazy Yeah
Girl in this black and white world, that sort of beauty and bright colour
Looking into your eyes, the alarm in my heart is sounding, the beat of my heart is in a state of emergency.


Another wolf is looking at this girl
And that’s just how much of a perfect woman you are
I want to hug you so much in my arms never letting go.
As time passes, I become hostile and volatile.

The last man standing gets the girl (That’s right)
Could it be that there won’t be any chances for reversal any longer
Quickly go back and end it, your chances are zero.
If you want to win her heart, you’ll have to beat me before you flirt

It’s that kind of a love where everything is left out aside from us.
After leaving our love here, with both you and I, everything ceases to move.
Oh Yeah



想说的话 或许你懂吧

隐藏在 最后一句的爱意
却寄不到 你心的距离 Ah

最近你好吗 多么平凡的问答
為何脑海盘据 都是普通话题(Hey)
我的心深邃神秘 Deeper Than The Sea(Hey)
想对你说这一句 Be With Me

全心 XOXO 拥抱着你 XOXO
愈来愈急的呼吸(悸动的 XO)
彷彿伸手可及(亲吻着你 Kiss Me Girl)
Baby, XOXO 每个梦里 XOXO (XOXO)

**Give Me XOXO L.O.V.E
You’re My XOXO L.O.V.E

在我身边 快乐像静电
触动著你 幸福的暖意
你一微笑就让我昏迷 Ah

简单的是非题 Yes Or No
只要你告诉我 X Or O (Woo)
别再等候 无谓的磋跎 Yeah

像写著密码 语无伦次的信 (Hey)
这区区几个字 掳获你并不容易 (Hey)
但我有男人该有的毅力 (Oh Yeah)


想念你的 XO 我唯一的你 我唯一的你 我 我唯一的你 (Oh)
为了你的 XO 请你接受我 请你接受我 请 请你接受我 (Hoo)

无比耀眼 你出现 在我面前
眼裡的月 衬托出 你的皎洁
照亮著我 对我说 你為我著魔
Like Whoa, Let’s Go (Baby Every Night)

Yeah Baby, Oh XOXO!Oh 你和我 Oh Yeah

Qīng qīng wěnzhe nǐ de X jiào Kiss
Jǐn jǐn yǒngbào nǐ de O jiào Hug
Xiǎng shuō dehuà huòxǔ nǐ dǒng ba
Yītiān yī fēng xiě xià de zhēnxīn
Yǐncáng zài zuìhòu yījù de ài yì
Què jì bù dào nǐ xīn de jùlí Ah
Zuìjìn nǐ hǎo ma duōme píngfán de wèndá
Wèihé nǎohǎi pán jù dōu shì pǔtōng huàtí (Hey)
Wǒ de xīn shēnsuì shénmì Deeper Than The Sea(Hey)
Xiǎng duì nǐ shuō zhè yījù Be With Me
*Jíshǐ shēn xiàn zài mèng li (zài mèng lǐ)
Wēnróu zhāngkāishuāng bì (wǒ huái lǐ)
Quán xīn XOXO yǒngbàozhe nǐ XOXO
Yù lái yù jí de hūxī (jì dòng de XO)
Fǎngfú shēnshǒu kě jí (qīnwěnzhe nǐ Kiss Me Girl)
Baby, XOXO měi gè mèng lǐ XOXO (XOXO)
**Give Me XOXO L.O.V.E
You’re My XOXO L.O.V.E
Zài wǒ shēnbiān kuàilè xiàng jìngdiànChùdòngzhe nǐ xìngfú de nuǎn yìNǐ yī wéixiào jiù ràng wǒ hūnmí Ah
Jiǎndān de shìfēi tí Yes Or NoZhǐyào nǐ gàosu wǒ X Or O (Woo)Bié zài děnghòu wúwèi de cuō tuó Yeah
Shìfǒu gāi gǔ qǐ yǒngqì xiàng nǐ tóudìXiàng xiězhe mìmǎ yǔwúlúncì de xìn (Hey)Zhè qūqū jǐ gè zì lǔ huò nǐ bìng bù róngyì (Hey)Dàn wǒ yǒu nánrén gāi yǒu de yìlì (Oh Yeah)
Xiǎngniàn nǐ de XO wǒ wéiyī de nǐ wǒ wéiyī de nǐ wǒ wǒ wéiyī de nǐ (Oh)Wèile nǐ de XO qǐng nǐ jiēshòu wǒ qǐng nǐ jiēshòu wǒ qǐng qǐng nǐ jiēshòu wǒ (Hoo)
Wúbǐ yàoyǎn nǐ chūxiàn zài wǒ miànqiánYǎn lǐ de yuè chèntuō chū nǐ de jiǎojiéZhào liàngzhe wǒ duì wǒ shuō nǐ wèi wǒ zháomóLike Whoa, Let’s Go (Baby Every Night)
Yeah Baby, Oh XOXO! Oh nǐ hé wǒ Oh Yeah

Lightly kissing your X is called a Kiss
Tightly hugging your O is called a Hug
The words that I want to say, perhaps you know them
Day by day, letter by letter, writing down my true heart
The love hidden in that last sentence
But I’m unable to send it to the distance of your heart Ah
How have you been as of late, such normal questions and answers
Why is it that the conversation topics in my head are all so normal (Hey)
My heart is deep and mysterious, Deeper than the sea (Hey)
I want to say this phrase to you, Be with me
*Even if I’m trapped deep in a dream (in a dream)
gently opening my arms (into  my arms)
Wholeheartedly XOXO embracing you XOXO
My breathing that gets more and more hurried (the palpitating XO)
As though it is at arms length (Kissing you, Kiss me girl)
Baby, XOXO in every dream XOXO (XOXO)
**Give me XOXO L.O.V.E
You’re my XOXO L.O.V.E
By my side, happiness like a static shock
Moving you, the warmth of blissfulness
Just you smiling can make me faint Ah
An easy yes-no question Yes or No
Just want you to tell me X or O (Woo)
Don’t wait anymore, Meaninglessly passing the days Yeah
Should I muster up my courage and send it to you
Like writing a password, an incoherent letter (Hey)
Just these few words, it’s not easy to capture you (Hey)
But I have the determination that a man should have (Oh Yeah)
Missing your XO, You are my only one, You are my only one, You are my my only one (Oh)
For your XO Please accept me, Please accept me, Please please accept me (Hoo)
More dazzling than anything else, You appear in front of me
The moon in your eyes shows off your pureness
Shining on me, Telling me that you’ve fallen for me
Like whoa, let’s go (Baby every night)
Yeah Baby, Oh XOXO! Oh, You and me, Oh yeah

是多么幸运 有这样运气


*可以呼唤你的名字 可以真心的握住你的手
阳光也对着我 灿烂的照耀 感觉幸福得无可救药
你在呼唤我的名字 你轻轻的在我肩上依靠
那阳光一直把你温柔的拥抱 目不转睛 你那么闪耀So Lucky My Love

**So Lucky To Have You
So Lucky To Be Your Love, I am. Hmm


老照片里 甜蜜的微笑
我和你的 完美的造化
I think I’m a lucky guy
真好! 我们的故事就像美丽的童话
Oh My God! 最好听的 PopPop
你的声音融化掉我 Like Ice Cream

你是我第一次的爱 我故事里完美的女主角
我要一直把你 装在我心里 可不可以只对我微笑
因为你是我的想要 为你去成为更好的自己
你看我的眼神 是那么奇妙 全世界最牵动我心跳So Lucky My Love


Zhù zài tóngyī guó de wǒ hé nǐ
Yòng tóngyàng yányǔ de wǒ hé nǐ
Shì duōme xìngyùn yǒu zhèyàng yùnqì
Zài méiyǒu gèng měihǎo de jùqíng

Nà yītiān duō měilì de jìyù
Tūrúqílái xìngfú de jiànglín lucky
Jǐ shí yì rén zhōng wǒ yù dào nǐ

*Kěyǐ hūhuàn nǐ de míngzì kěyǐ zhēnxīn de wò zhù nǐ de shǒu
Yángguāng yě duìzhe wǒ cànlàn de zhàoyào gǎnjué xìngfú dé wú kě jiù yào
Nǐ zài hūhuàn wǒ de míngzì nǐ qīng qīng de zài wǒ jiān shàng yīkào
Nà yángguāng yīzhí bǎ nǐ wēnróu de yǒngbào mùbùzhuǎnjīng nǐ nàme shǎnyào so lucky my love

**So Lucky To Have You
So Lucky To Be Your Love, I am. Hmm

Ài tóngyàng yánsè de wǒ hé nǐ
Ài tóngyàng diànyǐng de wǒ hé nǐ hǎo yùn
Zhēngchǎo yě méiyǒu kě chéng zhī jī


Lǎo zhàopiàn lǐ tiánmì de wéixiào
Wǒ hé nǐ de wánměi de zàohuà
I think I’m a lucky guy
Zhēn hǎo! Wǒmen de gùshì jiù xiàng měilì de tónghuà
Oh my god! Zuì hǎo tīng de PopPop
Nǐ de shēngyīn rónghuà diào wǒ like ice cream
Jiùshì huóxiàng yī fú huà

Nǐ shì wǒ dì yī cì de ài wǒ gùshì lǐ wánměi de nǚ zhǔjiǎo
Wǒ yào yīzhí bǎ nǐ zhuāng zài wǒ xīnlǐ kěbù kěyǐ zhǐ duì wǒ wéixiào
Yīnwèi nǐ shì wǒ de xiǎng yào wèi nǐ qù chéngwéi gèng hǎo de zìjǐ
Nǐ kàn wǒ de yǎnshén shì nàme qímiào quán shìjiè zuì qiāndòng wǒ xīntiào so lucky my love


You and I who live in the same world
You and I who use the same language
It’s so lucky, that we have this luck
There is no better situation

The beautiful fortune of that day
Suddenly there came a happy, lucky event
Among several billion people I met you

*I can call your name, I can honestly hold your hand
The sun also shines on me, shining brilliantly, I feel hopelessly happy
You are calling my name, you lightly lean on my shoulder
That sunshine keeps holding you warmly, intently, you shine that much, so lucky my love
**So lucky to have you
So lucky to be your love, I am. Hmm

You and I who love the same colors
The lucky you and I who love the same movies
There is not even an opportunity to argue


In the old picture, your sweet laugh
The beautiful good luck of you and me
I think I’m a lucky guy
So good! Our story is like a beautiful fairy tale
Oh my god! The best sounding pop pop
Your voice melts me like ice cream
It looks like a painting

You are my first love, my story’s perfect female lead
I want to keep you inside my heart, can you only smile towards me
Because you are my desire, myself who becomes even better for you
You look into my eyes, it’s that wonderful, it affects my heartbeat the most so lucky my love


 For another songs that contains in the 1st full album, click here.
(Source: mnet, mnet, mnet / Trans by: xuan, hyewon, amy @exom-trans)
Shared by Luhan @ EXOdicted.net

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