[ANNOUNCEMENT] 2016 Staff Application Open: Author, Translator, Project Manager, etc!

Hello fellow EXO-L wherever you are!
We're gonna open another Staff Application in 2016!
But first of all, thank you so much for always be there. Keep on loving us and trusting us to bring you latest update of EXO ;)
Finally, we'll have another Special Staff Hiring!! *claps*
Oh and by the way, we actually always open our staff application, but because we're urgently need staff to our site, we're making this official post to inform everyone that we need A LOT of new staff.

Okay, so we REALLY need an Author.
If you see that we're lacking on updates nowadays, that's because we really don't have any active author to updates about EXO like the old days /sobs.
We're looking forward for you if you think that you're capable and available 24/7 to upload and post everything regarding to EXO, their official updates, the fantaken pics, the fan-account, etc. We're welcoming you to join on our team and to SHINEEEEEEEE as an dedicated EXO-L.
Well, who doesn't need a translator? We, as international fans, we don't even know how can we survive without a translator? T-T
Anyway, as usual, Korean Translator, Chinese Translator and new staff position, Japanese Translator!!!
We need youuuuu guys so bad!! Please join our site :')

These 3 are the position that we need the most as for now! But don't worry, we have another staff position that might be fit for you (If you think that these 3 are not your field!). Here is the list:
  1. Graphic Designer
  2. Reporter
  3. Editor
  4. Fashion Admins
  5. Uploader & Encoder
  6. Subber (Timer/Typesetter)
  7. Fashion Admin
  8. Motion Graphic
  9. Project Manager
  10. Store Manager
  11. Compiler Admin
We have a lot of staff to hire, if you think you're match with one or two or three (the maximum position is three bcs I know you're excited but nope, too much work will burden you and you'll give up eventually!) let's join us, if you love the boys, don't spazz alone, don't let your magical hands and your sincere heart of loving EXO be wasted, you'll be so appreciated if you're the part of a fansite, our fansite is the first ever fansite of EXO, we're the first one that serve EXO-L everything they need, our fansite is trusted, if you're an old fans you must remember that EXO's manager, has left a thanks note for us (well its indirectly for us, we posted a fan-account about the fans who's bought ice cream to the EXO-M members back then when OT12 still exist and everything seems to be so full of love and of course, when they're still a rookie. Anyway, they said "Thank you for your love" to us, in our comment section and we're almost explode bcs of happiness #throwbackhappiness) but well, at least, they know that we're exist since they're still a 'hen', they're a 'big chicken' now, they're so famous. #whatamitalkingabout

Oh and btw, EXOdicted to have a big renovation for our site, we'll have a lot more things to provide for y'all so you won't regret be our staff. So c'mooooon join us!!!

If you're interested, please CLICK HERE.
Write the form and send it to exdapplications@gmail.com


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  1. HI! I signed up to be an author a few days ago and I've been trying to find your Skype but I can't. What should I do?? Thanks!~ :)


Thanks for adding to the discussion! We would love to hear how you feel.